Found this to be funny & true
10 things that expats hate to admit while living abroad…. * Your idea of achieving fluency in three months was woefully optimistic.
* Though you invite friends and family to visit, you are surprisingly relieved when no one does.
* You think about a particular food from your home country more than you think about your mom.
* Being ignorant of most of what is going on around you is kind of a relief.
* Making money abroad is a lot harder than you expected, but living with less is a lot easier than you thought.
* You get more comments on your Facebook wall if you appear depressed than if you appear happy.
* News from your home country seems irrelevant and overly-hyped. A new iPhone, so?
* You have more in common with new friends abroad than old friends back home.
* Keeping a daily journal or blog is way harder than it sounds.
* You are aghast at how much you drink in any given week though it never seems excessive at the time and always results in new friends and new vocabulary."