My partner of nearly two years and I are getting married next year. We're both in our 40s and this will be the 2nd marriage for each of us.
It's a bit bittersweet, as he was recently diagnosed with a brain tumour, after suffering two seizures within a month. Prior to that, he had an abscessed appendix, so it's been a very scary time for us and the rest of his family and friends.
But it has made us realise we wanted to take the next step in our relationship and commit to each other completely, to ourselves and to the outside world.
I'm not getting worked up about silly things, such as all the people from the USA who would like to attend the wedding over here, but who can't, etc. My fiance's illness has put a lot of things in perspective, and we're just focussed on planning a simple affair that is special to us and to the people who will be able to attend, and making the most of the rest of our lives together.