I can't speak for anyone else, and I'm pretty sure how this is going to go, so the smarter part of me says I shouldn't post at all because you seem to want to just wallow in bitterness. However, you also said a few days ago you hope the feeling goes away, so maybe you need to hear some difficult truths.
Obviously, the hurricane ruined your wedding, and I don't think anyone is disputing that or saying you shouldn't be profoundly disappointed, but there's a level of bitterness and anger in your posts that seems way over the top. For example, many people on this thread and your other wedding threads have been very supportive and said how bad they felt for you, but you say:
...no one understands how hurt and disappointed my husband and I are about this.
No one? Read the posts again; lots of people have offered nothing but support.
...we're happy to be married, but that doesn't alleviate the feeling of loss that we have ... and it never will.
Never? In 10 or 20 years you're still going to be this angry about something which was totally out of your control?
People are cancelling faster than we can pick up the phone. I'm sending them all bills for the money I've spent on them, or, when they send a gift I'm just going to return to sender, I don't want it.
You're angry at the relatives who wouldn't travel into a hurricane the size of Europe for your wedding? Assuming they did want to risk their lives for your happiness, how were they supposed to get there with all the airports closed and the cities evacuated?
There were a few people we didn't invite to the wedding because we knew they wouldn't be able to make it and we didn't want them to feel obliged to send a gift. Odd thing is that most of them have.
You're still going to be angry at the people who
bought you a gift but weren't invited? How is that inconvenient or annoying?
...no one who didn't come was flooded either.
This sounds like you would be happier if they had been flooded? Would that have made your wedding more successful?
I keep posting snarky comments on articles about other people's hurricane weddings.
How could that possibly help?
I'll always be ... upset when people get weddings that aren't taken away from them.
Really? Because most people have trouble-free weddings. You're going to be upset a lot.
Now, I have a feeling you're going to tell me to STFU because I never had a wedding ruined, and while that's true, I have been fired from a job I really liked, been laid off from a job I really liked, and been through both my parents being diagnosed with cancer, so I have a little experience in dealing with adversity.
My advice to you is get over it. If for no other reason, holding on to bitterness is bad for your health: