I think if Cameron had voted yes for the treaty, in fact, it would have had little to no impact at all on British banks or its financial sector - further agreements & negotiations would have to have taken place anyway before it could have. But it earned him some back slapping points from city friends & Eurosceptic Tories - for his own personal interests, I don't see how he could have voted any other way & maintained his credibility within his own party - that & the city were always going to come before what was best for Britain.
As things stand, the Euro seems likely to fail - which will be bad news for Britain, with Europe as one of the biggest markets for British goods (what little remains manufactured here post-Thatcher). So we had the choice of having some input into that & maybe trying to help it from failing, or we could stand on the sidelines & watch.
Sarkozy got what he wanted & while it's kinda funny to see someone tell Cameron to butt out, I think this was a failed outcome for Britain.
Europe is also a large share market for Chinese goods, so perhaps they will step in at the 11th hour - who knows?
We shall see.
I agree that the Lib Dems are toast. I wonder if Clegg will ever get an appointment to the European Parliament/Commission/anything now as well? Wonder if he is rethinking his grab for a wee bit of power (lapdog), at what expense?