My OH is picking me up in Manchester. He will have to drive from Glasgow down there to get me. We're fairly certain our car, a Kia Ceed, isn't large enough to handle all of my suitcases and our cats. I'll be coming in with 2 large 29" suitcases, 2 carry-ons and 2 medium (~28"x21"x22") pet carriers. We don't have our smaller cat carriers as I packed them with the rest of our belongings, which are on the slow boat. Stupid of me not to think that far ahead. Both cats could feasibly fit into one carrier, but I'm guessing they're going to be pretty stressed and I don't think it would be a good idea to put them into a such a confined space for a 3-4hr drive.
We're looking into him hiring a car for the trip. He's not that familiar with car models over there, since he's a recent transplant himself. Any suggestions for cars that could handle everything would be most appreciated.