I feel for you, it's very frustrating indeed. I always had a weird feeling towards meeting people over the internet, but that's exactly what happened with my wife. We were both members of an old Irish myspace group, and got pretty close on there, and MSN messenger. All of the regulars felt kind of close. I had a pre-planned holiday to Ireland booked, so members from the group from elsewhere in the UK&the Republic decided to have a big group meet where my now wife lived in Belfast. Stuff actually came up hindering the others, so I was the only one that was able to turn up. Needless to say we spent a whole week together, and things I kind of thought about her before(and can now say knew) were further cemented.
When I came back we only had mostly MSN, texts, and the odd phone call to communicate for 6 months until she went to the States to marry me.(When you know, you KNOW) It was frustrating because we both worked long hours, and factor in the time difference, means you're going to go many sleepless nights. It was harder after getting married. I felt so sorry for her going back to the UK without me just after being married until I could get a visa. We did it again for another 4 months before I was finally able to come back here. Tensions mounted at times, and it gets hard. Especially because I knew I was leaving the country, so I wanted to spend time with a few close friends&family before I left as well. Things like that are problematic, as there were times she'd be out with friends as well during the only time we had at the weekend to talk. You both need to understand, give, and take.
Well we just celebrated our 4 year Wedding Anniversary the 1st of November. If it's meant to be, it will.