Looking back on my UK bank account statements, my partner & I averaged £50 weekly for our at-home food. We shopped at Sainsbury, Metro Tesco, Marks & Spencers and the Dalston Farmers Market.
These were mainly ingredients for dinners, a few lunches per week and lots of fruit for breakfast & snacks.
We were both restaurant managers so we had 1-2 free meals per day, 5 days a week and free booze and coffee drinks.
We had a take-away meal or a set-menu lunch once a month on average.
Now that we're back home in Brooklyn, our weekly grocery bill is close to $150 a week {we shop at Trader Joes, Flatbush Food Co-op and Prospect Park Farmers Market.} Im not in the restaurant industry anymore, so I take lunch and a snack to work everyday and drink coffee only at home. My partner is still in the industry so he gets 1-2 free meals a day, 5 days weekly including coffee drinks. We buy booze for home drinking- average $20/weekly {good beer or $3 TJ wine} and we rarely get take-away or go out to eat- perhaps once every few months.
My UK partner finds grocery food much more expensive here. I agree with him.