Thank you ajayre and rebbeccajo.
I've been to England twice, though not since last February. His family is very supportive and very welcoming. He doesn't have friends that he goes out and does things with. He does, on rare occasion, go do something with his brother-in-law.
I've encouraged him in this aspect that if he made a few friends, had some things to go out and do, something to look forward to rather than the four walls of his flat, that maybe that would boost his mood. He's a lot of fun to be around, he's very friendly, and very personable....unless he's overindulged in drink. Then he becomes argumentative and moody.
The first time we met he hardly drank at all. He came here. The next two visits I went there. He drank quite a bit, but passed it off as enjoying his holiday - which I accepted. Then I began to notice him drinking more and more on the weekends. Past the point of buzzy and on to slurred speech, and arguments. Not arguments about drinking (I don't speak to him about drinking when he's been drinking...I wait until he's sober). Arguments about anything and everything. He begins to pick. I try not to bite. Sometimes I'm in an argument before I realize what's happened, but if I catch it before hand I can deflect it and avert it.
Then on his last visit here he drank even more. When I asked him to slow down he again passed it off as enjoying his holiday too much and promised to slow down. But he didn't. And when he went home the drinking on weekends escalated.
To be honest I can picture a move to England being adventurous. But I need my partner to be present with me. Making a move like that is hard enough without having the additional fear of the situation I might be moving into. That hurts his feelings. I can understand that. It's hard watching someone you love self-destruct and being helpless to do anything about it.
I haven't mentioned AA. I'm waiting to see if he can do this the way he wants to first. I don't think he'll be receptive to that idea unless he comes to the conclusion that he has a problem. I'm putting myself in his shoes. I know that I wouldn't.
I am encouraged that he's been without an episode for a few weeks. Time will tell.