I don't know how many of you remember me but I used to be quite active here 5 or 6 years ago. Then the itch to move back to the US and finish my degree came along and so we moved. Now, well, for a while, I've been itching to move back. I miss London and I hate Miami (where I live). My husband (British) is hesitant and has every right to be. He's worried that a couple of years after we move back I'd want to move again LOL. I don't know if it's a case of I truly want to move back or that the grass is always greener on the other side. I should add though that I did not dislike the UK, I loved it, I just disliked the situation I was in. I did not have a degree, I only had military experience and thus was unable to find a fulfilling job. I could have been a housewife, which is what I was most of the time I lived there, but that was very lonely and I didn't have any friends. I'm in a much better position now and I think the situation would be different. Maybe this is wishful thinking, maybe not. I think the real reason stopping him from moving back is the fact that we own a house here in the US and the real estate market is crap right now. We also have a lot of debt in the UK so our credit there is less than stellar.
I don't know where I'm going with this, I just wanted to tell somebody other than the poor guy.