I wasn't really sure which board to post this on, but I chose "Expat Life" because now I have one, and I need to thank all of you here for getting me this far.
I've been in Manchester a couple of days now, but as I'm still on Mountain Standard Time, I'm lying awake listening to my UKC husband sleep, with my dog (whose ability to sleep knows no time zone) snoring next to him. And all that's running through my head is a recount of all the months of researching and forum-browsing and tears and headaches that I spent getting here. thank you so much to all of you here for answering my questions, most of the time before I even had to ask them. Thank you for letting me cry here and understanding what so often felt like a unique pain.
I've only just arrived on my spousal visa; I know there's a long road of learning and adjusting, then ILR, then citizenship, and who knows what else. I find such enormous comfort in knowing this forum wil be here through it all. I hope I can make my presence here as meaningful to someone else as all of you have been for me.
Thank you <3