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Topic: Heroes at Heathrow :P  (Read 860 times)

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Heroes at Heathrow :P
« on: June 02, 2012, 03:35:10 PM »
Just got home three days ago from England, and boy, do I have a bit of a tale. Now, I spent $200 just to have an extra week with my boyfriend, so I changed my ticket to 5 in the afternoon so we wouldn't have to get up at the crack of dawn like last time. We took a train from his village, to London, which was a bit late. We get to British Airways and I get my luggage taken care of, and then we have to do the most sh*tty part of our journey which is, you know, say goodbye. So, I waited til' the last possible minute to finally say goodbye and then I go to security.

I'm already upset and crying and then the backpack he got for me to use as a carry-on, the strap undoes and falls to the floor. Then I remember as I'm in the security line I can't have any big liquids, so I have to get rid of the drink he just bought me before I got in line. After security, I'm looking for where my flight is on the monitor, but I can't seem to find it. A woman comes up to me (I must've looked like I needed help, lol) and asks me where I'm going.

I'm going to Logan airport. And she looks at my ticket and looks at me and she's like, Uh, your plane is boarding. You will need to run. Go down those stairs over there, go down into the hall way and that's all I really understood because she had a very thick Indian accent and of course I wasn't going to ask her to explain again. So, I'm running in terminal 5 looking for my flight. Now, I don't know why my gate number was not on my ticket, but it kinda would've been helpful to have it on the ticket. Granted this was totally my fault because I didn't want to say goodbye to Alex.

So anyway, I'm running and I have no freaking clue where to go, so I stop and ask a staff member that's just walking through to help me, when he realizes my flight is boarding, this guy actually RUNS with me down the hallway, to an elevator and into those little trains that Heathrow has. He told me where to get off on it, wrote down my gate number and left me to simply find the gate number.

Now that is some pretty darn good costumer service if you ask me. I finally get to my gate and the woman asks for my ticket and how I am and I just burst out crying. Yay crying in front of strangers. I get on my flight finally and the entertainment doesn't work. Thank god I have a good imagination and my drawing pad otherwise I would've been horribly bored. And thank god I didn't miss my flight. But I just wanted to tell you guys how good some of the staff is at Heathrow, if not for that man helping me to my gate I would've certainly missed my flight and had to buy another ticket back home.

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Re: Heroes at Heathrow :P
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2012, 05:22:28 PM »
Awe. Sorry things were so hectic, but I'm happy you got help. When I flew BA March '11 my entertainment didn't work either. So annoying.

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