Hey all
I've a Medela pump in style shoulder bag, currently in the states, which my husband is going to be picking up for me. I'm pretty sure it's this one
http://www.medelabreastfeedingus.com/attachment/download/8Will I be able to use it here with a wall plug adapter? Could I buy a UK Medela wall plug? Will I have to get a separate transformer do you suppose? I'd hate to have to use the battery pack the whole time! Anybody have experience with this over here? I have a car adapter as well, but no car here;)
I used the pump when our (now nearly 4 yo!) daughter was 1mo til 13 mo, as I was working. No longer working, so won't be using it as consistently, but still want to take advantage of having partner feed baby, or sitters later on. Such freedom
Anyways, any previous experiences appreciated. Thanks!