I am irate and need to get this out! Apologies!
We applied for Co-Ownership at the beginning of the month to buy the house we've been renting for the past 2 (almost 3) years.
It took well over 2 months to get all of the paperwork together, etc., because they needed forms from our landlord, the company brokering the sale, our employers, proof of my income since I'm a freelancer, tax returns (which I hadn't filed yet), etc. It was a MAJOR hassle.
Two days after sending the application in, we got a text asking us to ring them. They said they needed more information, and that DF's employment paper was 'out of date' (two months old) so needed that re-filled out. We went home, scanned our bank statements, had his employment form redone, and I hand-delivered the supplementary info two days later to the office. She checked our reference number in front of me on the computer and said 'this is fine, i'll make sure they get it.'
the next day, DF gets a text that if we don't turn in our supplementary info soon, the application will be closed. He rang, and they said it was just the automated texts and they had our supplementary info. Ignore future texts.
Few days later-- a text that our application had been canceled. He rings again, they tell him to ignore the automated texts.
Today we got a letter through in the post saying that our supplementary information had not been received and our application was canceled. Our cheque was enclosed as well as our Landlord's Form and the old version of DF's Employer's form.
I am actually seeing red I'm so angry. Not only are they saying we didn't do what we had confirmed TWICE that we did properly, but they only sent back like a tenth of the application, so if we need to re-apply, it's back to square one with filling all the papers out.
I actually want to choke people. WHHYYYY are people so incompetent! It seems like everything we do (open bank accounts, get new mobile accounts, apply for a house, switch the electric company-- EVERYTHING) requires at least 10 exchanges with the company followed by an appeal where we need to explain why they've done things wrong. It is actually killing me.
Anyone else have any co-ownership horror stories? I really thought this process would be easy...