I'm applying for citizenship by descent and hope to move to N. I. by the end June 2013. (My app went in just this month.)
I am disabled and collecting SSDI, and from what I can tell, I'll have to file taxes in both the US and the UK for the rest of time after the move (and I understand that my SSDI is not taxed in the UK as a result of the US/UK tax treaty). I know I have time to nail all that down, but right now I have these questions (not knowing the details of the US/UK tax treaty or anything about UK taxes):
1) I'm going to be selling my mother's home in the US as her sole beneficiary in 2013. I will have no tax obligation in the US if the house does not sell for more than its value at the date of her death. (And if it sells for more, I'd consider myself fortunate to owe taxes on the extra amount.) QUESTION: What, if any, tax obligation would I owe in the UK? (If I would owe something, if I sell the house in 2013 and put off moving to 2014, will I have dodged taxes?) Generally, what can I expect?
2) I plan to rent my home here, I understand I have to deal with whatever the agreement is between the two countries when it comes to rental income and selling my home. QUESTIONS: What if I decide to put it on the market when I move rather than rent it? In the US, since it has been my primary residence, I'd owe no taxes on the sale. What about the UK?
Aside from those questions, if there are tax advantages to selling over renting or other strategies, I'd appreciate being given a head's up.
Oh darn, I just read on this site how the state where I live (Virginia) might still try to collect taxes from me. While I have not owed taxes for a while, living off of SSDI, it's conceivable if interest rates return and I rent my Virginia home, that I could end up owing taxes. As it is, the fact that I would be renting property here would make them want to collect taxes from me. Well, duh. Sorry, my brain is generally foggy as a result of my disability, but dealing with my mother's death and her home being ruined by a water leak at the time of her death has me brain dead. So if I don't want Virginia coming after me, then I'd want to depart fully. I just might have to pay Virginia taxes.