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Topic: Registry office weddings vs courthouse weddings  (Read 3676 times)

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Registry office weddings vs courthouse weddings
« on: October 19, 2012, 08:07:00 PM »
Hiya =)

So my fiance' and I have been talking about the wedding. Just curious to know is there a big difference in registry office weddings and courthouse weddings?

I really want something simple. Do you walk down the "aisle" at the registry office or is it a walk up together? Curious to know how this works. I want no reception afterwards just pictures n such.
Please tell me your experiences!
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Re: Registry office weddings vs courthouse weddings
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2012, 08:24:15 PM »
I think that registry office and courthouse weddings are the same thing here. I could be wrong, but I've never heard of anyone getting married in a courthouse here.

We got married in a registry office in a small village in Derbyshire. We had 50 guests with us. The guests were escorted into the room (the majority of them had to stand!), whilst DH and I verified who we were and paid for the certificate. Then the lady who married us went into the room, and we entered together when she announced us. I did not want to "walk down the aisle" by myself or be escorted by my father. I liked that we came into the room together, symbolizing that we were making this decision together. We got to pick our vows and were also asked if we wanted to use our own music, etc.

All in all, I really loved our ceremony. I'm sure that it varies from place to place. Since we got married in a tiny village, we were the only wedding that whole week, and maybe they were more flexible because of that.

Good luck with the planning!  :)
2006: Met DH to be in London
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Re: Registry office weddings vs courthouse weddings
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2012, 10:59:55 AM »
DH and I got married at our local Registry Office. It was just us, his parents, his sister and his Nan. When we arrived, our guests were seated and DH and I confirmed our names and our Father’s details with the Registrar. Then we walked down the aisle together and we had the ceremony. I can’t say what’s different about this sort of wedding and a courthouse wedding as I’ve only been married once, but our ceremony was private. There weren’t other couples waiting in line to be married or anything like that. It was short and sweet. The room was decorated to a nice standard and some nice music was provided. I can send you some pictures, if you’d like to get a better idea.

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