Tax time always 'does my head in' (as they say in the UK) but with the whole overseas element as an added wrinkle, I don't stand a chance. Help me, UKY, you're my only hope!
1) I know that I have to file a 1040 -- since I am now living and working in the UK I suspect that the 1040 is for declaring US income (i.e. rent we are receiving from the tenant who is renting our US apt.) How and where do I declare UK income to the US govt.? I had heard that if it was below a certain amount, that Uncle Sam wasn't interested. If this is the case, what is the amount?
2) We moved here from IL -- do I still have to pay state taxes?
3) Last year was crazy for me, and I did not get around to submitting taxes for 2011. I want to recify the situation: is it as simple as completing a 1040 from that year and submitting it along with my 2012 taxes?
4) What do forms 2555 and 1116 do? Am I going to need to submit those too?
Thank you in advance for any help. <clutches head, lies down>