...but I was wondering about which pod one you have. I have a keurig in the US and would like the UK equivalent...So I was wondering which you had and why you liked it and if you know anything about the tassimo. I looked at the pod products on line, but they don't have much of a decaf line and currently, I am only drinking decaf.
Thank you!
I did have a Senseo for a while, and loved the coffee on it, but then OH got me a Tassimo. My parents have a Keurig (which I LOVE) and I got to use it while back in the States over Christmas. I wouldn't say they are the same, tho. The Tassimo is good and makes a pretty nice cup of coffee. My machine is one from 2 years ago(so newer models may differ?) But where the Keurig has the button to fill a mug, you have to actually hold down a button on the Tassimo to add more.
I don't know about other decaf options, but just had a quick look and didn't find much. There is a Decaf Kenco, a Carte Noire Decaf Espresso(for making the lattes and such). I also think the Café Hag line is decaf? I could be wrong as I don't do decaf.
The closest I think you'll get to Keurig is probably going to be the Nescafe Dolce Gusto or possibly the Nespresso? Not sure as I don't have either, tho the Dolce Gusto has caught my eye. hth.