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Topic: Moving to the UK - What U.S. food or products would you bring / will I miss?  (Read 8233 times)

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Have you looked at the imported American food on-line sites in the UK? That will give you a little idea of the things not available. 

My list

Mac and Cheese too
Cheetos (you can get only one type imported from Poland at my Tesco)
Angel Food cake mix or Swans Cake flour
Mexican Spices
Blue Corn Chips
White Corn Chips
Root Beer flavoring so I can make my own
Butter Milk Powder to make Hidden Valley Ranch packets from scratch
Lots of Crystal light
Tootsie Rolls
Candy Corn
Jolly Ranchers

You CAN get blue corn chips at Whole Foods as well as all things Mexican, but not sure if they are out of London yet. You can get most of the candy at Tesco or on americansoda.com. I stock up on normal Cheerios as the ones here have sugar, Cheez-Its, Velveeta, Rotel, sugar free Jello products and Ranch packets. I've been able to find it all here or on Amazon, but those in particular get expensive. Good luck with the move!!
« Last Edit: February 24, 2013, 11:02:07 PM by lydiadla »

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I agree with this.  You can bring stuff, but you will soon run out of it.  It's expensive to order the stuff online and even more expensive for family to mail it to you in a care package. 

My mom mailed me Hershey's Kisses (before you could get them over here) and it cost something like $12.00!

Sainsburys have them at a very reasonable price, but only the plain ones...

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Really?!?  I saw the product by the same name but it had a picture of the thin English pancakes on it and I just assumed it was different.  I will have to try!   ;D

It's totally the same, but you'll need to go to their website and print out the American recipes.

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Thge two that drove me crazy my first year were Miracle Whip (I'm not a mayo person, it's been MW all my life) and American Bacon.  I can get the Miracle Whip (Along with Jif peanut butter) at the American store in Manchester, but I've still never found an acceptable substitute for a nice crispy piece of bacon!

Sainsburys stocks Oscar Meyer! If you are in London, Whitechapel has it. Don't buy it all.

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I will give these stores a second look, but the ones I shop at never seem to carry them, they have just the press seal kind.  Thanks.

You can get the real Ziploc ones at Costco.

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I agree that it's probably best to come with nothing to start out with, and then you'll discover all of the really great foods and things as you go.  That said, the one thing I still request my family to send me every year is Girl Scout cookies.  Just a box of Thin Mints or 2...
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