I've been following your posts on BE. If I understand correctly, the manufacturing company has been sold twice, the last time to a venture capital group who owns more than 50%. You have 'rolled over' your original ownership, and still hold an interest in the entity. Your interest is greater than $50,000. Your interest is less than 10% of the entity.
I've not understood several of your comments in regards to their applicability to the situation. TMC (Toyota Motor Company, the parent company) owns Toyota. TMS (Toyota Motor Sales) owns the US manufacturing operation (or did, I have no idea of the structure today). For comparison sake, do you own TMC (in Japan) or TMS (in the US)? Where is the venture capital company based? Is it a foreign financial institution (I would guess not)? Is your ownership an investment (I would think yes if you intend to have capital gains)? It appears you don't own shares, you own (a part of) the company.
You note "it is documented that I have a specific share in the company". When you dispose of the ownership, will it be reported to the IRS? If it is a foreign entity, then I don't know why you would not report it on 8938 if you will report it eventually to the IRS.
I am NOT a professional, and am in no way anyone you would want to trust to give you in any way a sensible answer. This is only my opinion, as a casual observer, based on what you have presented. I take the definiton of "Specified Foreign Financial Assets", under 2(b) "Any interest in a foreign entity" at face value.