I feel a bit guilty, and hope I haven't scared you too much! There is one positive side to schooling in the UK for kids with ADHD. Homework! It doesn't matter! Or, at least, from what I've seen/gathered, daily homework assignments have relatively little impact on final course results, which are largely exam-based. So, no failing a class because you forgot to hand in a few (dozen) worksheets!
Homework does controbute to final grade in the way of national curriculm*, although they may be subject to things like demerits/detentions/asked to stay behind...although seeing as they are still in primary school, there is no way that there is loads of homework that your children will have to do.
*This is the system with the numbers and 'a' 'b' 'c', there did used to be exams at the end which were done most years but had to be taken in Year 2 (grade 1), Year 6 (grade 5) and Year 9 (Grade
, the only ones that are now taken are the Year 6 English and Maths papers.
These are also called SATs, but are only done for the purpose of the school league tables. And there are changes that are planned to the national curriculm, but I think that's more content wise than assement wise.
Most of those grades will be based on teacher assessment of their work in class. It is only when they are at GCSE level and above that, their grade will come from assement via exams and coursework. (Which is classwork essentially, but not all classwork is coursework, and they may be set homework to do part of their coursework, but most of it is done in class nowadays and under exam conditions (ie: English Language and Literature) because the students could get away with their parents writing their whole coursework.)
And you may find that in Year 6 (or Year 8 if you are living in Dorset, and hello from Dorset too!) that they will get a lot of homework, "to prepare them for the demands of secondary school" (This happened to me in my last year of middle school, but then for the next 3 years, I hardly got any homework!)
But in the UK, especially in the younger years, you don't generally fail a class. (NationalCurriculum doesn't have a 'fail grade' as such) It's only when they get to GCSE that there is a fail grade (Technically a U, but employers don't like anything below a C/D really)
I'm sorry if this is (it is most likely) too much of an infomation wall, but I am nearly finished with the school system (Class of 2012 and 2014!), so I am very well informed about it!
Yes there is a lot of accommodation for exams, I found this out from reading a PDF from the exam boards regulator, as I have found out that I am eligible for extra time because of my hand writing speed. (But we found out too late for this year's exams, but I have it for next year's!) I'll see if I can find it, it is very long, but skimming through the contents does show what accomodations are available....
here! Top link, you will have to download it...