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Topic: Legal secretaries  (Read 900 times)

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Legal secretaries
« on: August 09, 2013, 09:19:44 PM »
Any legal secretaries out there working here in the UK
I'm not a legal secretary yet but have over 15 years
Of admin experience and am considering working
In the legal field.  Do u need to have any other
Qualifications ? I've read about the ILEx but
Looked at some local job adverts and I don't think they mention this ?
My home for 18 years since June 2002. Became a citizen 2006

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Re: Legal secretaries
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2013, 05:07:46 PM »
I have heard of CILEX as a professional body:

An interesting article here from The Guardian about Paralegal regulation from 3 years ago:

What about contacting your local college? The one local to me offers a Law Access course to transfer onto a Law Degree and the CILEX Professional Law Diploma, which leads me to believe the CILEX Diploma is possibly the standard qualification for paralegals.

One reason you may not find it in job adverts is that qualifications here are seemingly in a rapid state of flux, so you may not get all the permutations of recognised course types for a profession, IYKWIM? 

This Scottish Association may be able to advise re: England:

Apologies if this reply is a little late / no longer useful, but wondered how you are getting on with it?  :)

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