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Topic: Please share? *Updated* Do you know anyone that may be interested?  (Read 1202 times)

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Hi everyone!

I'm just wondering if I could get everyone to help me out and share my little boys page.  Some of you may remember me from a while back.  I had twins boys several years back.  Well one of my twins (Luke) was diagnosed with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) last year(Feb).  
I'm asking if any of you are on facebook or have a facebook page could you please share and like his page.  We are trying to running a fundraiser to fund an Autism Service Dog, she currently being trained in Ireland, (we live in Uttoxeter Staffordshire...england :))

There is a lot more info we've put up on his page, once there please click the: About to read more.   Thank you so much, Admin I hope I've put this in the right area, if  not many apologies.

Luke's page is https://www.facebook.com/LukeandTilly  or if you put LukeandTilly in the Facebook search that also will or should take you to his page. :)

I hope you will come visit our page, please don't feel obligated to donate, more than anything we'd like to just get word out to as many people to share and like his page.  I really don't want to seem pushy, sorry if I seem so.  

Thank you and hope to find some of our UK Yankee's on Luke's page.  
Thank you again xoxo
« Last Edit: January 22, 2014, 09:36:19 PM by Ninaeve »

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Re: Please share? *Updated* Do you know anyone that may be interested?
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2014, 09:35:38 PM »
Hi again everyone :)
Oh my goodness what a day.  :o :o  A guy from BBC2 wrote to us today!!!  I don't know that we will be able to help him, but if anyone knows a family that would like to participate please let me know and I will pass it on to him.  Thank you! xoxo


Do hope you don't mind me getting in touch - I read your article in the Uttoxeter Post and I was hoping to quickly pick your brains.

I write to you as an assistant producer for a new BBC2 programme called 'The Puppies,' which will follow six different puppies throughout the first year of their lives.

We are currently at the very early stages of looking for people to take part in the programme, but I was hoping I might be able to have a chat with you at some point - whilst it sounds like Tilly is a little bit too old to take part in the programme, I was hoping to talk to you about the best ways of contacting people who might be about to get a puppy as a means of helping their child with his/her socialisation. All of us here found reading Luke's story very inspiring and I think it would be lovely to have the opportunity to potentially allow the nation to find out more about the vital role that Autism Assistance Dogs can provide.

As such, I was wondering if you might be up for a quick chat on the phone at some point? Talking to me in no way commits you to being involved in the programme, but it would at the very least provide a valuable insight into why it might be beneficial for an autistic child to have a dog to interact with.

If you are interested, I'd love to hear from you - you can get in touch with me on  indeed, via my Facebook or on email - xx Alternately, do feel free to come back to me with any questions.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind Regards,

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Re: Please share? *Updated* Do you know anyone that may be interested?
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2014, 02:56:18 PM »
Just wondering, if you haven't done so already, have you looked into charitable funding, if this need is outside what may be met via an assessment for Luke from a social worker at your local council?

Assessment for disabled children information:


If so, has your Luke got a social worker or family support worker / key worker / educational psychologist or key professional? If so, they may be able to help in applying to charities for funding for something like this.

If your Luke does not have a social worker, you could contact your local Disability Information and Advice Helpline:

Disability Rights UK Independent Living Help Line (Telephone: 0300 555 1525):

Your Local Centre for Integrated / Inclusive Living:
(Derbyshire is the closest I could find)

For charities you might be able to apply to direct, you could consider:

Contact a Family:

The Family Fund:

National Autistic Society:

Charitable funding often requires supporting information from key professionals and may include a financial assessment.

Hope that helps and best wishes,

MLG  :)

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