Lisa! Thanks so much! Your email may have saved me alot of time and headaches. Although, I do want to make sure I understand you, and that I can do what you suggest. If you don't mind helping.
If I use turbo tax, I think it may ask me to describe what this "other" income is. What does your advisor/you suggest putting down. Also, by not listing self employment, it means that you cannot reduce your earnings by claiming your expenses. So if later on down the line, they decide that you do have to list yourself as self employed, your earnings would be so much higher.
* Also, in the uk you have to legally declare that you are self employed, failure results in a penalty. Is this not the case with us returns?
So I would really appreciate your, and all other experts help on confirming that I can just file my taxes, without stating that I am self employed. That is, that I can legally do this. Just file my taxes using turbo tax and just declare my income as other income on 2555. And what do I stat that this other income is?
Do you think its beneficial not stating that I am self employed, and not getting the benefits of claiming expenses.
Any other advice/recommendations would be highly appreciated.
Lisa - Thank you!