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Topic: Has anyone sucessfully challenged NARIC?  (Read 5925 times)

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Has anyone sucessfully challenged NARIC?
« on: August 11, 2011, 08:46:58 PM »
Sorry if this is on the wrong board but I was not sure where to post.

I recently submitted my qualifications to NARIC as I am interested in doing an MSc to further my education. I received my letter back today and I am not exactly thrilled with the decision.

Has anyone had their initial evaluation re-assessed and if so, were you successful?
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Re: Has anyone sucessfully challenged NARIC?
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2011, 08:57:06 PM »
When you say your qualifications, do you mean trying to determine if your work experience is the equivalent of a bachelor's degree? Or submitting your US BA/BS to see what the equivalent is in the UK?


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Re: Has anyone sucessfully challenged NARIC?
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2011, 09:02:49 PM »
The latter.

I have a BS in Cytotechnology. I did 2 years at one school and my final 2.5 at another. The university I graduated from did not have general education, so everyone transferred in to their specialist programs.

NARIC took my AA and my AS and made them CertHEs and made my BS a standard Bachelor Degree. The program I want to attend requires a BSc Hon.

I am frustrated as I sent along supporting paperwork to show how my education was structured, but they seem to have been ignored.
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Re: Has anyone sucessfully challenged NARIC?
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2011, 11:30:04 PM »
I didn't bother using NARIC to compare my US-degree to the UK equivalent, and it didn't affect my admission onto the course I'm on whatsoever.

Is there something in the Uni's documentation that says you must do the comparison?  Would it be possible for you to simply explain that the US doesn't issue BSc (Hons), and that they use a GPA scale to give an accurate depiction of how well you did?

I would try contacting the university to see what they say, as I'm sure you're not the first international student they've come across.

Perhaps look around on the university's website for information from students from the US who are interested in applying.  At mine they had a whole webpage for US students, which clearly stated the entry requirements.
Masters degrees

A Bachelors degree from a recognised institution with a GPA of 3.2 is acceptable for entry to masters programmes requiring a UK 2:1 for entry. A GPA of 2.8 is acceptable for masters programmes requiring a UK 2:2 for entry.

Hope this helps...
« Last Edit: August 11, 2011, 11:33:22 PM by PickledSakura »
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Re: Has anyone sucessfully challenged NARIC?
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2011, 11:43:04 PM »
I would contact the department directly, I'm sure they'll say it's fine. Like PS said, I would be more concerned about your GPA than what NARIC says (I didn't use them either). Even if your GPA is a little lower than a 3.2, you have work experience in that field which I'm sure they would take into account. When I worked at a research council we only used NARIC when trying to compare degrees from the continent to UK universities, not degrees from the US.

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Re: Has anyone sucessfully challenged NARIC?
« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2011, 05:31:09 AM »
After reading the uni's website, I am a bit less concerned now.

But I am also trying to get my education and work experience recognised by the IBMS, a professional body known for it's pedantic approach to qualifications. I had joined this organisation when I initially arrived, but they had classified me as a licentiate (essentially fresh out of uni) and at the time, would not recognise in any way my (then) 14 years in the field. I decided not to bother with them since I was secure in my position at work and unlike the mandatory HPC, IBMS membership is optional.

Unfortunately, my company is affected by the economy like everyone else, and work is slow. I am trying to reposition myself so that if anything happens, I am able to transition better. 

Having NARIC recognise that I did a 4 year degree heavy in science with a 3.6 GPA would carry much more weight.

I remember lots of NARIC discussions back from when there was a points based system, and I remember lots of complaints. I don't understand how NARIC can be the "go to" official organisation for comparisons if they can't actually understand the different systems.  >:(

So no one has challenged them?

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Re: Has anyone sucessfully challenged NARIC?
« Reply #6 on: August 12, 2011, 01:30:23 PM »
Not that I know of. I'm not sure if any of the students ever challenged the results we received from them. I'll ask my friend who worked directly with those queries and maybe he has some insight.  :-\\\\

My husband works in higher education (he worked at a UK uni) and he said your degree IS a BSc Hons.

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Re: Has anyone sucessfully challenged NARIC?
« Reply #7 on: August 12, 2011, 03:20:38 PM »
Thank him for that! It certainly makes me feel a little less crazy.

I did some further research today, and whilst I may not need it to be accepted to the MSc, I def need it for the IBMS. So my project for the weekend is to build my case, complete with diagrams if need be.  [smiley=deal.gif]

The hurdles never end, do they?
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Re: Has anyone sucessfully challenged NARIC?
« Reply #8 on: August 12, 2011, 03:42:08 PM »
This was his response:

the only person who was successful was a guy who had a qualification from The Holy See. That was probably more to do with the fact that it was an unusual qualification. I think it would be unlikely if it is a more common qualification that is being contested. Good luck to her, though.

Not great news. If you do decide to contest it, please let us know the outcome! Good luck!

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Re: Has anyone sucessfully challenged NARIC?
« Reply #9 on: August 12, 2011, 08:49:47 PM »
Unfortunately, my company is affected by the economy like everyone else, and work is slow. I am trying to reposition myself so that if anything happens, I am able to transition better. 

Having NARIC recognise that I did a 4 year degree heavy in science with a 3.6 GPA would carry much more weight.

Makes sense to me! I would say a 3.6 is excellent for a science degree, and if you need the (Hons) part for IBMS, then you should try to challenge it. 

I've looked into getting HPC certified, as a lot of jobs similar to one that I've done before require it, but I don't think my Biochemistry degree quite qualifies. :(
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Re: Has anyone sucessfully challenged NARIC?
« Reply #10 on: August 13, 2011, 08:30:50 AM »
If you do decide to contest it, please let us know the outcome! Good luck!

I'll keep you guys posted. Fingers crossed!

I've looked into getting HPC certified, as a lot of jobs similar to one that I've done before require it, but I don't think my Biochemistry degree quite qualifies. :(

Are you certain? I found the HPC to be VERY simple to deal with. I over documented my work experience and CE units, but they approved me with no questions/delays. It's the IBMS that are hell to deal with.  ;D
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Re: Has anyone sucessfully challenged NARIC?
« Reply #11 on: August 14, 2011, 10:12:48 AM »
Do your AA and AS courses count towards upper GE transfer at a university even though you didn't need to? Can you prove that level to get it count higher?

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Re: Has anyone sucessfully challenged NARIC?
« Reply #12 on: August 14, 2011, 02:14:27 PM »
Yes, my AA/AS units all transferred and are part of my BS. I'm not entirely certain why they looked at AA/AS separately, other than that it is on a separate transcript. But there is no other way to show my coursework.

One of my major frustrations with this process is that NARIC is the official body to compare qualifications and yet they seem to be completely clueless as to how things work in the US. If I had submitted my transcripts to any other body and they misinterpreted them, I'd not be bothered. But NARIC's job is to understand and know how the other systems work. Because if they don't, then they are guessing and what is the point of paying them??  >:( >:( >:(

I have written a long and detailed request for reassessment. I have used their code of practice and shown why my work should be equivalent to a BSc (hons). I am submitting extra paperwork to show that my schools were accredited at the time I attended as well as another breakdown of how the GPA system works and how units are transferred. It's all I can think of at this point. You have 3 appeal chances. First to the person who did the original comparison. Then to a supervisor and finally to a panel. I'm not going to give this up easily because I am right pissed off!

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Re: Has anyone sucessfully challenged NARIC?
« Reply #13 on: August 14, 2011, 03:53:34 PM »
Definitely challenge it!

It looks like you have built a good case.

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How efficent and credible is NARIC?
« Reply #14 on: April 08, 2016, 12:28:59 AM »
HI everyone,

I am very upset because I don't understant why I need to pay NARIC ? Why I have to prepare again the same documents for the universities? Why NARIC? How efficient is NARIC? I am not the only one confused and I don't understant why we cannot show our documents, diplomas, transcrips and translation to Universities? Why we need to do the same again?
Here is my story and my correspondence with NARIC and  I will live with you do judge. I am totally confused and something is wrong !!!!

This is the e-mail I received from NARIC few years ago.I paid for a translation and cerificate. Now the Universities are asking for the same documents....

Ecctis Ltd
Oriel House
Oriel Road
GL50 1XP
Tel: 0871 330 7033
Fax: 0871 330 7005
E-Mail: info@naric.org.uk

VAT Reg No. GB 535 7104 56
Enquiry No: xxxxxxxxx
United Kingdom
Invoice No: xxxxxx
Item   Unit Cost   Quantity   Total Net   VAT at 17.5%   Total
UK NARIC Comparability Service & Translation Waiver   £70   1   £70   £12.25   £82.25
                Total   £82.25
This is a receipt and a VAT invoice.
Please Quote your Enquiry Number: xxxxxxxxx, in all correspondence with UK NARIC.
This payment will appear on your credit card statement as UK NARIC, Ecctis ltd.

This is my e-mail I sent few days ago :

To whom it my concern,

 I am currently applying for a course at three different Universities and it seems that the NARIC certificate that I paid for 5 years ago is not acceptable as proof of my Education.  This issue first rose when I applied to a University in 2011 and I am having the same issues now.  I am being asked to provide translations direct to the Universities which is what I paid you to do.

Please could you explain what has changed that makes my NARIC Certificate unnaceplable to these Universities?

Below is a full transcript of correspondence with the afore mentioned universities.

I look forward to hearing for you soon

Here you have the answer and I will leave with you to judge :

''Thank you for your written enquiry.


UK NARIC is the National Agency responsible for providing information and advice about vocational, academic and professional skills and qualifications from all over the world. We provide information about the equivalency of qualifications and skills from overseas to the UK's national qualifications frameworks.


For certain languages (please see newcomer link: http://www.naric.org.uk/tws [nonactive] for a list of languages and the cost of this service), the translation waiver service removes the additional time and expense of acquiring a translation from a third party and enables us to process an application without the usual requirement of a certified translation.


This service waives the requirement for submission of a translation; however, UK NARIC does not provide written translations for applicants. Should you require a translation of your qualification(s), you should contact your local translation agencies or the Embassy for assistance.


Furthermore, We are able to provide comparability information for qualifications that constitute a national standard in the education system of the country of origin. Unfortunately we are unable to provide a comparability statement for grades obtained in these qualifications.


It is recommended that you present transcripts directly to potential employers/admitting institutions for consideration on an individual basis in line with specific grade requirements.


I hope this information is of assistance to you.  If you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact us.


Kind regards,



The National Recognition Information Centre for the United Kingdom




t +44 (0)871 330 7033   |   f +44 (0)871 330 7005   |    newcomer link: http://www.naric.org.uk [nonactive]

Oriel House, Oriel Road, Cheltenham, GL50 1XP''

I  don't trust anymore this organization, to much bla bala bla and I paid for something which is not valid , because I am asked to do the same process again!!!


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