I've only just moved over myself in February on a Fiance visa, so I don't really know anything about the work side.
For me, it's been finding new foods that I love (HobNobs, Tangfastics, Mint Cornettos, new potatoes, Piri Piri sauce) and finding suitable replacements for things. I didn't bring much over, other than clothes, so I had to find all new hair and body products. Getting to know a grocery store is really helpful as well, the layout of the stores is VERY different than back in the states. I've enjoyed wandering around Sainsbury's and Morrisons with my new husband. It's similar as in all the fresh produce is in one area and the frozen in another, but all the packaged goods are put together in a different way then it's done in the States. Not to mention there isn't as much frozen food. That really weirds me out.
And if there is anything cooking wise, product wise, that she just can't live without...Bring as much as you can with you! You can get a lot of US products here, they are really expensive though. Right now, I want a corndog. That would be awesome.
OH! and if you have a Netflix account, once you are here in the UK you can only access the UK Netflix. A way to get around that, at least on a computer, is to download a Chrome Add-On called Hola! I use it to watch all the shows that aren't available over here.
And as a lady, getting used to the sizing difference is a bit rough. Being a size 12/14 over here is a huge blow to my ego. *sigh*