Hi there -
I have been stupidly busy so far this year and have only just sat down to do my 2013 US tax return. Annoyingly (well, not annoyingly, but you'll see what I mean), I make so little as to not even need to file if I was single ($6,500 and some pennies, which has been taxed in the UK, but will get it all back, of course, being less than the current personal allowance), but since I'm married, I still have to file. I was hoping to be home to get my US accountant to do the paperwork for me (and maybe even get the computer to cough up the odd refund, though I doubt it) before the usual overseas deadline, but I'm still waiting on my ILR so I can't get out of the country.
I want to apply for the further extension (form 4868) so I can sort this out without the stress of a ticking clock - but the addresses on the form are confusing. There's no PO Box or anything, just a city - and that just can't be right. I am also assuming that the deadline to apply for the extension is actually 16 June for us (seeing as we get the extra two months anyway, and therefore apply for an extra 4 months rather than 6), not 15 April? The language on the form is unnecessarily obfuscating in this respect.
I also haven't the foggiest idea how to figure out my tax liablity for this form - have had a poke at the 1040 but can't figure out where to put foreign income, much less invoke the whole dual taxation thing/ foreign income exclusion bit. I know I owe nothing, inbetween one thing and another, but cannot for the life of me figure this out.
I bow to your greater knowledge…