If using an IPAD or similar Mac and going through Google, you eventually can find a page under H&R Block international (which is simply their normal US site) for the UK, but it takes some inventive use of their search function if you wish not to be tracked. They list one location: RAF Lakenheath.
This thread came up on the BritishExpats site, and makes reference to someone indicating they use HR Block. See the 2nd post on this, page 3 of the thread, post #32 from mona2288.
http://britishexpats.com/forum/us-immigration-citizenship-visas-34/renouncing-citizenship-huge-increase-fees-842306/page3/There are always requests for tax accountants, so here is a selection of places to look:
The US Embassy site, London:
http://london.usembassy.gov/tax_preparation_services.htmlThe National Association of Enrolled Agents, United Kingdom:
https://member.naea.org/naeassa/rflssareferral.query_page?p_vendor_ty=EA(leave all search boxes blank; for distance - change to 'please select', and enter United Kingdom in the country box.)The American Citizens Abroad Directory, Great Britain:
http://www.acareturnpreparerdirectory.com/listing/results.php?location_1=6&categories=5&screen=14The ACA site is for individuals who may be associates of larger firms such as Frank Hirth, or one of the Big 4 (many, many duplicate addresses).
Then there are those advertising on this site, such as Taxes for Expats or Greenback. Or Google US/UK tax advisors. There are many. As we all know, the trick is to find one who is good, is someone we can work with, and most importantly, they are
qualified for the US/UK task. Oh, and there is the complexity of return/cost consideration.
If you elect to use an advisor, don't be surprised if all conversations/transactions take place over the internet, and they may be located in another country. Good luck.