I recently posted about this on British Expats and was advised (by nun) to post here too.
Both my (US citizen) wife and I (UK citizen and US green card holder) moved to the US in 2012.
We have UK SIPP pensions with Aviva, invested with a variety of fund managers- Blackrock, Invesco etc.
To avoid FATCA, the fund managers are putting agreements in place with Aviva which state that the fund managers will not allow any US persons/ residents to invest in their funds, including "look through" (where a fund invests in other funds that invest in e.g. Blackrock).
Aviva have no problem with us keeping our pensions with them. They have no reporting requirement. But the fund managers are refusing to allow our pensions to be invested with them, despite the HMRC/ IRS agreement which excludes pensions.
As a result our fund manager holdings will shortly be converted to cash.
Has anyone received a similar notice? Any ideas?