Some good aspects mentioned above. You can ask your bank as to why you've been refused the loan. From your mention of it above, could it be perhaps you asked for too much for instance?!
Also, a 'good' rating on the Credit Reference agencies might not have been good enough for the bank to have lent to you, the amount you wanted and the level of available credit you do have.
Once you know a bit more from your bank, it might help.
Getting credit, loans etc is much harder nowadays after the 'good ole days' when money was being thrown around like confetti. Things have recently got a 'bit' better for sure, however, Christmas just gone and there's been an alarming spike in UK households putting their christmas shopping on their credit cards - to the extent, it's been the largest month of borrowing for personal debt in a number of years now. It's just possible that lenders aren't interested in lending as much currently...
Good luck !
Cheers, DtM! West London & Slough UK!