Hello all,
I'm posting this message today in some shame and some pride. I've been part of the community for a while and in fact have spoken to some of you as well, just under a different username. I'm doing so, because I am monitored and looked at, and because I am deeply ashamed.
I'm ashamed to admit that let my partner pull me down into an abusive relationship. I was a happy person before this mess started, and I let this person into my life, and now, 2 years later, I'm slowly realizing, with the help of random people around me, that I've been manipulated, used, and abused. My life is not the same, and I'm lost, without a job, without friends to be there, without the self confidence I've user to had, and the most important thing, my own sense of identity.
I'm ashamed in this position I am where I am asking for help.
I'm proud because I have realized and admit what's going on. This is one of these moments when I got up and decided I'm going to to something about it. This is one rare moment, among days when I hide under the blanket, not wanting to wake up, with a million thoughts about how I deal with it, how I help her relax, what I had done wrong, but I'm going to use it to get back on track, and on my feet.
I am going to start a campaign, so I can raise some money to back myself up.
I need your help. I know how difficult the struggle here is for many of us, not just Americans, but still. If you have spare $5, or even a pound, I am going to be grateful forever.
If not, if you could help me by commenting, or sharing my story and the campaign, when it started, I would be as grateful. One link or share can go a long way.
I will post the link once I start.
Thank you for reading this.