First, if your total income (earned income plus non-earned income such as interest, etc.) is less than $10,150 for tax year 2014, you don't really need to file Form 2555 or 2555EZ. Your total income is below the sum of your standard deduction plus personal exemption. Work through 1040, list your income, and then subtract std. deduct. and pers. exempt. The result should be $0 tax due. Include Schedule B and 8965 with 1040 and you're done provided there are no other sources of income, assets, etc. that require additional forms.
But hey, where's the fun in that!
If you wish to establish foreign income reporting for both now and in the future, you need to file either 1116 or 2555 (or 2555EZ). If you elect to use 2555 (or 2555EZ), computations on both must be made. They determine how much you are allowed to exclude up to a maximum of $99,200 (as vadio said). In your case, you need to establish you have $4,940 allowable excludable foreign income. Have you tried 2555EZ? It's pretty, well, easy, provided you do not have self-employment income. On both forms, the exercise is how 1) much did you earn?, 2) were there any days you worked in the US during the year whilst receiving this income? 3) is it less than $99,200?, 4) if it is less, how much is it?, 5) that's the amount you're allowed to exclude.
That's a very simplistic explanation, and everyone's situation is different causing alterations or additions to the above, but for a simple salary, it is a good start.