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Topic: Health insurance in UK  (Read 919 times)

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Health insurance in UK
« on: July 14, 2015, 01:59:16 PM »
Hi everyone.
I'm just curious..is there a certain visa that I should be applying for that would allow me to get health needs after I am
Married?  I have multiple sclerosis and take a monthly injection to keep my symptoms at bay and without insurance it costs $6,000. It's a big deal to keep on schedule with these injections.  But now I'm all confused as to which visa I need in order to marry and live in the UK and be able to get these injections.

Any thoughts?

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Re: Health insurance in UK
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2015, 02:16:49 PM »
You are applying for a fiance visa, correct?

The fiance visa does not allow any free access to the NHS (as it is valid for only 6 months), so you will be required to purchase health insurance to cover you for the time you are on the fiance visa. I'm not sure what health insurance policies/companies are good, but maybe someone else can help with that.

Once you are married and have been issued with the next visa, FLR(M), you will be entitled to 'free' healthcare on the NHS, so you should be able to get your required medication without much trouble. I say 'free' NHS healthcare because when you apply for FLR(M), you will be required to pay a £500 NHS levy to allow you 'free' access to the NHS (also, if you will be working in the UK after you get FLR(M), money towards the NHS will be taken out of your taxes).

Once you have paid the NHS levy, all your healthcare will be free at point of service - you won't need to pay anything for doctor's appointments or hospital stays and you will only pay a small fee for prescriptions - about £8 per item on the script in England (but all prescriptions are free if you live in Wales or Scotland).

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Re: Health insurance in UK
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2015, 02:22:37 PM »
Is there a Waiting period I need to wait before applying for the second visa?

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Re: Health insurance in UK
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2015, 02:30:06 PM »
Is there a Waiting period I need to wait before applying for the second visa?

No, it's up to you to apply when you're ready to... but you do have to be married first and you have to apply for it before the fiance visa expires.

So, you apply for the fiance visa, and move to the UK when it's granted. Then you get married in the UK within the 6-month validity of the fiance visa and once you are married, have your marriage certificate and are ready (i.e. you have all your documents ready), you apply for the FLR(M) visa.

Depending on your timing (i.e. when you get the official marriage certificate), you could theoretically apply just a day or two after your wedding, or you could wait until just before the fiance visa expires.

You just need to make sure your FLR(M) visa application is mailed (or you attend an in-person appointment) before your fiance visa expires

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Re: Health insurance in UK
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2015, 02:34:08 PM »
With the second visa is the needed paperwork pretty much the same as the first visa?

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Re: Health insurance in UK
« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2015, 03:12:50 PM »
Yep, it's basically the same visa, except it's valid for longer and allows you to work.

The only real difference in the paperwork is that you have to include your marriage certificate and evidence of living together since you arrived in the UK (by way of official mail addressed to both of you at the same address, either joint or separately addressed - so good idea to get your name on bills and things as soon as you can).

Everything else is the same - accommodation paperwork, financial requirement paperwork etc.

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Re: Health insurance in UK
« Reply #6 on: July 14, 2015, 03:19:54 PM »
Thank you so much. You have been a huge help. This can be so confusing at times. I appreciate your help.

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