Hi everyone. Like clockwork, I'm back with new questions as I take the next step.
Long story short, I moved from a work visa to a partner visa on 8 March 2013. I now need to renew my spousal visa on FLR(M), as it expires on 8 September of this year. I need to book my appointment so that by the time this FLR(M)-related visa expires, I can apply for ILR at 8 March 2018 - i.e., the 5 year anniversary of 8 March 2013. However, I'm panicked about the timing. I don't know that i can attend an appointment on 8 September of this year. I know I've seen posts on how to handle this timing issue, and how UKBA views it, but I can't find it (and I'm now sitting in my Edinburgh sitting room panicking about the whole thing and seriously considering making myself a bloody mary). Can anyone help please?
Thank you!