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Topic: Financial requirements -- 2 questions  (Read 835 times)

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Financial requirements -- 2 questions
« on: August 03, 2015, 03:59:04 PM »
Hi all,

To keep it short, I am American and on a Tier 4 with right to work 20 hours a week in term time/40 hours when not. I will be able to meet the financial requirements with my own income when I go to apply for the unmarried partner visa in January. My partner, the UK citizen, works in the film industry and has varied and never "permanent" work, which is why we aren't using his income. My questions are

1. Do I still need to provide anything to show that is he working, even if we're not using his money as proof?
2. By the time I apply, I will have 3 part time jobs. I will be using 2 to meet the financial requirements. Do I need to provide any information about the 3rd, as they will see the deposit each month from another job, but I don't want to complicate things.

Thank you!

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Re: Financial requirements -- 2 questions
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2015, 06:33:49 PM »
You do not need to provide his employment info if you aren't using it to meet the requirements.

Yes, I would recommend including the info from the third job.  The UKVI will want to check you are not violating the terms of your Tier 4, so full disclosure / transparency is the best way.  If you didn't have work restrictions, it wouldn't be necessary.

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Re: Financial requirements -- 2 questions
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2015, 07:09:24 AM »
Ah, okay, great!

As a follow up question, should I just assume that it's always better to be 100% transparent and address issues before they might have them? With my working situation, one of my jobs (which I had held previously on a Tier 5 before I transferred onto a student visa) basically agreed to continue paying on a relatively high salary regardless of hours worked in exchange for me doing some very odd and late night hours for them and with the knowledge that I would work more during vacation time and after my visa. I have never worked more than my allotted hours and will have all of this addressed in official letters from the company, but am worried they would still take it upon themselves to think I overworked?

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Re: Financial requirements -- 2 questions
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2015, 07:20:21 AM »
As long as you can prove that you have never worked more than 20 hours per week during term-time, then they will have no reason to assume you have overworked.

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Re: Financial requirements -- 2 questions
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2015, 09:11:05 AM »
Ah, okay, great!

As a follow up question, should I just assume that it's always better to be 100% transparent and address issues before they might have them? With my working situation, one of my jobs (which I had held previously on a Tier 5 before I transferred onto a student visa) basically agreed to continue paying on a relatively high salary regardless of hours worked in exchange for me doing some very odd and late night hours for them and with the knowledge that I would work more during vacation time and after my visa. I have never worked more than my allotted hours and will have all of this addressed in official letters from the company, but am worried they would still take it upon themselves to think I overworked?

No, they won't assume you've overworked.  Your contract will lay out the terms of your agreement, so they won't make things up that aren't there.  I imagine your payslips also state what you've worked.

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Re: Financial requirements -- 2 questions
« Reply #5 on: August 04, 2015, 09:24:59 AM »
Ah okay, I was slightly panicked as it's a really generous salary they've given me(hence why it could raise red flags) and they don't report hours on their payslips, only wages. I'll be sure to have as much documentation as I can and a letter from my company confirming the situation again. Thank you very much!

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