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Topic: LIVE NFL UK fantasy football draft  (Read 3821 times)

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LIVE NFL UK fantasy football draft
« on: August 09, 2015, 11:15:13 AM »
If any of you would be up for getting involved in a UK based league where you actually get together to draft face to face instead fo from behind a keyboard, then look no further than the Fan Pub Leagues - the first in-person, UK based draft league launched last year and was such a success that we're currently filling up spots in a new second league this year.

I think it's really the ultimate authentic fantasy experience in the UK, playing with a group of people as in to fantasy as you and getting together as in the US (think The League!), and with cash prizes to keep things interesting.

If you're interested in getting involved there are still spaces available - just a message on the fan pub forum thread here:

newcomer link: http://forum.thefanpub.com/t/tfp-ultimates-live-offline-uk-drafting-fantasy-nfl-money-league/388 [nonactive]

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