I think it would be best to cancel and start over. My projected date to arrive in the UK is August 24, 2016. So with your information, I can't apply until May or June? I was under the impression I could apply now for the paperwork to get started. Okay so what date can i apply for?
Yes, that's correct. If you won't travel until August 24th, the earliest date you can submit the online application is May 24th - in fact, the application isn't supposed to allow you to enter an 'intended travel date' of more than 3 months in the future... though I don't know if this is actually the case.
You can start filling it out now and working out what you will need, but don't submit or pay for it until after 24th May.
Its my turn to come to England as I want to experience Christmas in the UK and Hull is celebrating their year of City of Cultural in January of 2017, so I want to be there as well for their opening. I have to know what life holds for me after the vacation when its all about enjoying it together afterwards. I know from past experience that i can live anywhere as long as there are things that perk my interest. Has to have a gym and swimming facilities and that I already know exists in Hull.
Sounds like a nice plan
. I live only about 45 miles from Hull (in Lincoln), although I have to admit, I've never actually been to Hull
So in order for me to live there without the need to go back to the USA, is to get legally married in England on a fiance visa?? He's not going to go for this without the living arrangements first tried out. gawd!! can't blame him even if i know its a winning team.
Essentially, yes - as we say here on the forum, there's no 'let's shack up' visa... there's no visa that allows you to just try out living together before you get married. Your only real option is the visitor visa, but to get it, you need to be able to prove that you have no intention of living in the UK and that you will return to your life in the US after the visit.
So, if you wish to live in the UK legally on a longer term basis, you need to qualify for a proper visa that allows you to live there - for example, a work visa, a student visa, or a family (fiance/spouse) visa.
Assuming you would be going the family route, you would either need to get married in the US (or another country) and then apply for a spousal visa to move to the UK, or you would need to apply for a fiance visa to move to the UK, marry within 6 months and then apply for another visa to stay.
There is a minimum financial requirement that your UK sponsor (fiance/spouse) needs to meet in order for you to qualify for a fiance or spousal visa - he would normally need to be earning at least £18,600 per year in employment income, however, non-employment and pension income from either of you can be used as well, so if you and/or he have at least £18,600 or more per year in pension income (either separately or combined), you can use that to meet the requirement.
Alternatively, cash savings can be used, but you need a lot of savings - if you have no other income, you would need at least £62,500 in savings to qualify.
See here for more information about the fiance/spousal visa:
https://www.gov.uk/join-family-in-uk/overviewOn a longshot, if I apply for just the six month visa visitor status and I get a job transfer for another job there once I arrive, will i have to get another Visa?
You are not legally allowed to switch from a visitor visa to any other kind of visa from inside the UK, so if you were to get a job offer in the UK, you would have to return to the US to apply for a visa to live and work here.
It can be very difficult, if not impossible, to get a work visa for the UK (although a transfer to a UK branch of your US company is easier), unless you work in a very specialised, highly skilled or in-shortage profession.
Unless the job is listed on the
Tier 2 Skills Shortage List, then the UK company has to prove they cannot find a single suitable applicant in the UK or any other EU country before they can hire you.
Alternatively, if you were to get married and get a spousal visa, you would be allowed to work in any UK job you can get.
See here for more information about Tier 2 work visas:
https://www.gov.uk/tier-2-general/overviewhttps://www.gov.uk/tier-2-intracompany-transfer-worker-visa/overview I really dont want to work again but it's an option...so could i marry while employed there? or are there restrictions on that as well?
If you have a work visa, then yes, you can marry on that visa, however, it would be qualifying for that work visa that could be difficult... not sure how easy or difficult it would be to get a job on a US air force base (there are only a few here now, and I believe some are closing soon - I work on an RAF base myself and some of our planes are currently using one of the US bases for their flights)