Hi all,
I was hoping to file my 2015 form electronically. As my AGI would be <$62k in theory I could file using tax software. But I started doing this and I find it more complex given no W2 and other things, plus the lack of some forms availability.
So I am now trying Free fillable forms (typically for those with AGI >$62k) however at first, I had a problem with Internet Explorer, now using a different browser which seems to be working, however the fillable form is flawed in several ways:
- Will not accept letters in "foreign postcode" (all UK addresses tend to have letters as part of their postcode)
- Will not accept non-standard phone numbers
What can you do about this? I was going to put the post-code next to the city and leave that box blank, however the phone number is an issue. Should I put my nearest family member's phone number as a contact?!
Anyone successfully used the free fillable form with a UK/foreign e-filing?
IF I do have to then file as a paper (looking that way), do I print all of my year's wage slips out to demonstrate my wages? I have no W2 and a UK p60 covers April - April (plus will be confusing as I had a pay rise in January).
Many thanks,