Hey guys,
First time here. I am UK citizen but US green card holder, physically resident in US now. File US taxes every year. I always reported all UK salary and dividend income to US, and just caught up on 6 years FBARs, 5471s and other forms I can't remember (which I had no knowledge of, despite having a US accountant do my taxes). What a nightmare. Anyway that's behind me.
I am 57 - old enough to take UK SIPP withdrawals, but unable to take US IRA withdrawals without penalty because I am not yet 59.5. At least that's my understanding.
So my question is this - I understand by filing certain paperwork with UK HMRC I can become a 0 rated tax payer in the UK, and after that my SIPP withdrawals will be tax free in the UK, but how are they treated in the US? Is it just normal income? What about the issue that a withdrawal from a US pension fund would incur, I believe, a 10% penalty before age 59.5? Would this still be the case with the withdrawal being from a UK SIPP?
If I don't file the aforementioned form, I believe I can withdraw c11k pounds per year in 12 equal chunks (I will have no other UK income) and have this not be subject to UK tax, but presumably declared on US tax return. UK pension provider told me this:
Income payments and ad hoc withdrawals from pension funds are taxable via PAYE (Pay As You Earn). When you access your pension for the first time, in the absence of an existing tax code or valid P45, HMRC require us to deduct tax using the Emergency Tax Code. In 2016/17 this is 1100L/M1 and this effectively translates to a personal allowance of £11,000 but broken down into 12 equal chunks. Where this is the case, the first £917 of any taxable payment will reflect the personal allowance and be paid tax free; the next £2,667 will be taxed at 20% and the next £9,833 taxed at 40%. Any amount in excess of £13,417 would be taxed at 45%.>>
On another note - what I have found hard to deal with is different "experts" have different opinions RE tax treatments of SIPPs, ISAs, whether they need PFIC reporting, 8893, etc. etc. My third advisor took a position I liked, quoted the tax treaty, and said he would defend his decision f the IRS came knocking. So I went with him...(and paid him a pretty penny but he was worth it).
While I'm at it - and I may be pushing my luck here - I've heard about this Windfall Elimination program (WEP) for people, such as myself, who qualify for both a UK state pension and a US social security pension. Does it make sense to defer taking a US state pension until 70, thereby I believe also increasing the US pension by c8% a year? Would this eliminate WEP penalties until I take the US pension?
Thanks in advance for any response,