The tax return will show $26K + $66K before tax then the taxable income will be that minus your deductions and exemptions. The total tax will show and then the tax credits for tax paid (i.e. the 20% withholdings from your TSP) will be deducted leaving the amount of tax you owe.
I started typing something else.....then looked at the question from a different angle. I guess what I am asking......and it would be just an opinion from you or anyone how much of that TSP could I take out each year and hit the top of the 15% bracket?......which is at $75,900 this year.
1. Pension is rounded to $26,000.
2. I am assuming only getting 2 deductions ($12,700) for my wife and I on the taxes. Not likely anything else worth mentioning.
3. The difference from $26,000 to $76,000(rounded) is $50,000.
If I take out $5500 a month($66,000 a year) what of that would count towards that total difference of $50,000?
5. I would lose 20% of the $66,000 ($52,800) immediately to TSP/IRS in taxes....which I would get 5% back on later if I kept the taxes below the 25% threshold......although I am leaning towards going a little ways into the 25% bracket just to drain out this account sooner.
6. Would the end calculation from the $66,000 be..... $66,000 minus tax of $13,200 ($52,800) minus 2 deductions $12,700 ($40,100 total now)??
Would the final total be $26,000+$40,100= $66,100? Jeez.......I'm driving myself nuts here........If that would be about the right total then I could withdraw around $6,000 a month and still stay under the 25% bracket.
Now I've confused myself........