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Topic: VAF4A form/Appedix 2 questions  (Read 1420 times)

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VAF4A form/Appedix 2 questions
« on: March 22, 2017, 08:27:37 PM »
Hey all,
We have a few questions about how to answer a few things on our practice application. Any help would be much appreciated.

VAF4A (personal details form):

1.5 Marital status: SINGLE or UNMARRIED PARTNER.
We were thinking "single" since the definition is having never entered into a legally recognized marriage or civil partnership, but we weren't 100%

6.2- Have you traveled outside your country of residence (excluding the UK) in the last 10 years?
I went to the Cayman Islands and to Cozumel, Mexico on a Carnival Cruise in 2009 but they did not stamp my passport and I have no documentation of this travel anymore? Will that be a problem?

6.18 Did you have to pay for the treatment?
6.17 asks is you've ever had to receive medical treatment in the UK, my answer is no. But then it asks if you had to pay for the treatment. Would I put no? Or would I just skip this question?

7.18 How are you and your sponsor related?
I put fiancee. Is that correct?

8.1 Are you exempt from the English language requirement?
I put yes, since the US is on the list of exempt countries. But they ask you to explain why and I wasn't sure if I just put US citizen or what.

Is there anywhere else that I could put the intended date of travel other than right at the beginning? Possibly in the "additional information"? I just want to make sure I'm very clear that I want my visa to start in July.


1.5 When did your relationship begin?
We met were introduced by my friend in February 2013 and we consider the start of our relationship to be June 2013. But it was all online until we met in April 2014.So I didn't know if they would accept that answer or if I should put that our relationship started in April 2014.

1.16 If you are an unmarried or same sex partner, have you been living in a relationship akin to marriage or a civil partnership.
We put "not applicable" but just wanted to double check on this. We weren't sure if LIVING meant physically living.

1.18 Have you ever lived with your sponsor in a relationship akin to marriage or civil partnership at any time. If you put yes it wants details. If you put no it wants an explanation.
I am not sure how to answer this one. I visited England (on a tourist visa) from October 2014 to April 2015. So during that time we technically "lived" together. But because I was on a tourist visa I'm not sure how to answer. So if I put no, I guess the reasoning would be because I'm a US citizen and we live in different countries currently?

2.8 Do you intend to work in the UK?
We figured for this one that we should put NO because this is technically a "fiancee" visa and I'm not allowed to work during the first 6 months until I get my FLR-M.

3.11- What is your sponsor's annual income from this employment before tax?
Does this need to include the quarterly bonuses he gets or just his base salary?

3.12- Has your sponsor been in employment with the same employer and earning the amount, as detailed in 3.11 above, continuously for 6 months prior to the date of the application?
We weren't sure how to answer this. Yes he's been with his current employer, but he got a raise from his October to November paycheck which will be included with our application. So that made him think he should put no. But I was just wondering if we could put "yes" and then include an explanation in the letter from his employer that he got a pay raise.

Thanks guys. I know it's a lot, we're just wanting to make sure that we answer everything correctly.

Additionally for the proof of accommodation, is it a REQUIREMENT to submit the land registration documents or can we prove proof of accommodation another way? Mortgage statements, etc..He owns his house but seems unsure of where he's stashed the land registration -_-
« Last Edit: March 22, 2017, 08:41:16 PM by kateaz04 »

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Re: VAF4A form/Appedix 2 questions
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2017, 08:45:47 PM »
1.5 - SINGLE
 (unmarried partner is a completely different visa which you don't qualify for since you must have lived together for 2 years before applying)

6.2 - no, just list the dates of the trip

6.18 - you cannot pay for treatment you didn't have, so probably just leave it blank

7.18 - if you are engaged, then yes.

8.1 - yes, because you are a US citizen

You can emphasise your intended travel date in a cover letter - in bold and underlined :P. You could also highlight it on your printed online application form

Appendix 2:
1.5 - put June 2013 for when the relationship began and then April 2014 for the date you first met

1.16 - yes, not applicable... that's only for the unmarried partner visa where you have to prove you have been legally living together for 2 years

1.18 - put NO... because you do not yet have the right to live in the U.K.

2.8 - I'd put: 'yes, once I am married and have the FLR(M) visa that allows me to work'

3.11 - this is the figure you are relying on to meet the income requirement and is backed up by his employer letter and payslips

3.12 - YES - because if the answer is no, you cannot qualify under Category A and will have to use Category b instead.

It's about being employed by the same company for 6 months... not when he got the pay rise. If he has not been earning the higher salary for 6 months at the time of application, they will only consider his previous, lower salary towards the requirement. As long as the old salary is more than £18,600 per year you will meet the requirement.

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Re: VAF4A form/Appedix 2 questions
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2017, 08:50:29 PM »
You are so helpful thanks.

Ok so for 3.11 can we put his previous salary of 32,000 and then put yes for 3.12 and then in the letter from his employer then explain the raise that has taken place within the last 6 months that is now 35,000

Additionally for the proof of accommodation, is it a REQUIREMENT to submit the land registration documents or can we prove proof of accommodation another way? Mortgage statements, etc..He owns his house but seems unsure of where he's stashed the land registration -_-

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Re: VAF4A form/Appedix 2 questions
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2017, 08:55:18 PM »
For 3.11, you can either put the previous salary or the new salary, but just be aware that they will use the previous salary if he hasn't been earning the new one for 6 months yet.

Yes, if he owns the house he MUST provide the Land Registry document - that's the most important document as it shows the registered owner.

If he can't find it, no worries, you can just download it from the Land Registry website for £3... it will be an official copy.

You can also include his latest mortgage statement to show he is keeping up with payments, but that is just optional.

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Re: VAF4A form/Appedix 2 questions
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2017, 08:58:24 PM »
He got the raise in November and we are applying in April. So October's payslip will be on there. He'll be just outside of the 6 month window. So I think just to be safe, we'll go off of his old salary and explain in the employer letter that he now earns more.

Thanks again, don't know how we would do it without you. You really are a life saver.

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Re: VAF4A form/Appedix 2 questions
« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2017, 09:20:42 PM »
Really, you don't get a choice which salary they use... they will take the lowest payslip (October) multiply it by 12 to get the annual salary that counts towards the requirement.

So, you might actually feel more comfortable putting the new salary for 3.11, because that is his CURRENT salary and it's the truth, even though that is not the actual salary that Sheffield will use in the calculation.

Either way though, it doesn't matter, because the lower salary is more than £18,600.

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Re: VAF4A form/Appedix 2 questions
« Reply #6 on: March 22, 2017, 10:25:21 PM »
He got the raise in November and we are applying in April. So October's payslip will be on there. He'll be just outside of the 6 month window. So I think just to be safe, we'll go off of his old salary and explain in the employer letter that he now earns more.

Thanks again, don't know how we would do it without you. You really are a life saver.

My husband got a raise and one of the original salary months (plus overtime) was in that six months and we put his current salary on the form. It's no issue for the payslips to have slightly different amounts. If you are worried, include a note that he received a raise in what month. 😊
The usual. American girl meets British guy. They fall into like, then into love. Then there was the big decision. The American traveled across the pond to join the Brit. And life was never the same again.

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Re: VAF4A form/Appedix 2 questions
« Reply #7 on: March 22, 2017, 10:35:01 PM »
We were in same position with the raise issue when applying. One payslip was the old salary and then the other 5 the new salary. He just had his employer write on the letter he got done to confirm that he was issued electronic payslips that he also received a raise 3 times since starting with the company 2 years ago and the date the salaries changed and the amount it changed to. That way if you include the original job contract it will explain why and how his salary has changed.
Met Dublin Ireland- July 2013
Long distance from November 2014-2016
Married 😍 in NYC :6th of January 2017
Spouse Visa Approved!! : 27th of February 2017
Moved to UK: 28th of April 2017

Applied FLR(M)-  12th January 2020
Biometrics- 20th of January 2020

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Re: VAF4A form/Appedix 2 questions
« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2017, 02:48:20 AM »
Thank you guys a bunch! For the first time I'm feeling confident about this visa thing which is allowing me to be excited about my wedding. A large part of it is thanks to you guys on this forum! So grateful!  :) :) :) :) :)

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