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Topic: When can you re-enter the UK as a visitor after losing a work visa?  (Read 757 times)

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So I'm facing possible delays to getting my new visa and frankly, I'm bored! lol

I kind of want to fly back to visit friends if that's possible. Can I just re-enter using the normal US/UK automatic visitor visa thing? I wanna visit some friends who are leaving the UK soon and might leave before I get back on my new visa! I'd like to catch them before they go. :O Maybe for a few weeks.


BTW The work visa wasn't lost through any dubious means if that matters. I just quit my job somewhere.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2017, 06:31:15 AM by Superman »

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Re: When can you re-enter the UK as a visitor after losing a work visa?
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2017, 10:11:44 AM »
So I'm facing possible delays to getting my new visa and frankly, I'm bored! lol

I kind of want to fly back to visit friends if that's possible. Can I just re-enter using the normal US/UK automatic visitor visa thing? I wanna visit some friends who are leaving the UK soon and might leave before I get back on my new visa! I'd like to catch them before they go. :O Maybe for a few weeks.


BTW The work visa wasn't lost through any dubious means if that matters. I just quit my job somewhere.

It doesn't matter how you lost your work visa. You would need to prove to the ECO that you will leave by proving strong ties to the US. If you cannot sufficiently prove your ties to the US (job, house, responsibilities), they will deny you entry. I personally would not risk it!
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Re: When can you re-enter the UK as a visitor after losing a work visa?
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2017, 10:42:10 AM »
Don't you currently have an application in and are awaiting?  You can't travel during that time, unfortunately.

It's up to you if you want to take the risk.  You may be allowed in no problem, you may not.  None of us know which way it'll go.  You'll likely be fine (if you don't physically have an application in).

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Re: When can you re-enter the UK as a visitor after losing a work visa?
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2017, 03:42:19 PM »
I haven't applied yet. Still delayed on that due to the government really not seeming to want to give me a VAT number when I need to pay VAT :/. Trying to sort it out.

How would one prove strong ties with weak ties? lol
I don't have a job here since I'm setting up a business. I have an address but it's my parent's house lol. So no proper bills. Would a bank account do? XD

I can pay my parent's rent just to have proof that I pay some kind of rent. XD
« Last Edit: March 26, 2017, 03:44:27 PM by Superman »

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Re: When can you re-enter the UK as a visitor after losing a work visa?
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2017, 04:01:46 PM »
If you are just coming for a week or two, I can't imagine you'd have any issues.  So long as you have your return flight booked.

Did you ever receive a curtailment letter or did you leave before then?  If you got a curtailment letter, I'm not sure I'd keep my same view.   ;)

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Re: When can you re-enter the UK as a visitor after losing a work visa?
« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2017, 04:52:14 PM »
Oh yeah. Left 1 day before curtailment. :)

And I guess I have everything going against me because I booked my flight to the US with a return on April 15th but it looks like I'm going to likely miss that unless my VAT number gets here before the end of the month! Was hoping to use my return flight to visit and just buy another flight with another return two months out!

Mah friends are moving to FLORIDA! Oh noes! I'm a west coaster and haven't been to the east coast. Guess it might not work out.

Please government... give me my VAT number... I just want to have my taxes done.  :-[
I even already paid them. I just need the number to turn in the paperwork. Everything delayed because of one tiny little detail that gets stuck for no discernible reason.

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