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Topic: Just want to know  (Read 945 times)

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Just want to know
« on: April 19, 2006, 10:44:58 PM »
I'd like some idea for what I am going to get myself into.  :) First of all, we both are unemployed. (damn you employment!  :P) Anyhoo, We're both looking for work and hopefully full time. Second, I have some bills to pay off, dreaded credit cards. As long as we are trying to save some money, I'll try and see my sweetie every year to be together and explore Wales and try not to overdo it on my cards. It is horrible trying to pay off cards and he's way more conservative than I am.  My guess is that we will be living in Pembrokeshire. :) Sooo, what do I have to do to begin my journey? I know most of you are now in Wales. I'd like to hear some stories as to how long it took you and any difficulties getting there?  [smiley=heart.gif] [smiley=help.gif] [smiley=love.gif]
Light, Destiny, and the Beauty of Wales


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Re: Just want to know
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2006, 11:45:58 PM »
damn you employment!

That is the problem there.  If they think you are going to end up on public funds, you have a HUGE hill to climb.  You also will have to be careful on visiting if they start to think you are visiting a potential spouse.  Like all good immigration people, they get a bit upset if you are doing one thing, but coming in for another purpose.  There are some good stories on this board about people that tried to roll the dice and ended up in some sticky situations.

Even employed, my partner and I have spent 5 years trying to sort out where to live, so I can totally understand the frustration and desire to spend time, but the best thing to do is get all your ducks in a row.  Does your sweetie have any rich relatives?  :-\\\\

Also, while I am highly skilled (would have enough points under the highly skilled stuff), I am finding it a bit of a challenge to have employment before I show up in the UK.  Because my address is still in the US, most companies are ignoring me.  Now that I have my entry clearance, I may need to use my partners UK address to start looking for work.

Anyways, this is a friendly group of people, and the more details you share, the better advice you will get, like the rich relatives, the employment outlook for both of you... and for goodness sake, educate yourself before making a mistake and finding yourself locked up and deported...

WARNING My thoughts and comments are entirely my own.  Especially when it comes to immigration and tax advice, I am not a professional.  My advice is to seek out professional advice.  Your mileage may vary!
UK Borders Agency (Official Government Site)
Office of Immigration Service Commissioner (Official Government Site)
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Re: Just want to know
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2006, 01:01:03 PM »
I dont think most of us are in Wales, but there are some ;)

Im sure you are doing what you can, but really go hard at getting a job...that will be a red flag to the immigration officers...not because they are worried so much about public funds, but more that you wont ever leave the country.

While you are developing the relationship and deciding if you want it to be forever, and are just visiting, have as many ties to your home as you can, a job, financial responsibilities etc...you dont want them thinking you wont leave.

Theres never any guarantee you will/wont get in the country, it honestly sometimes seems to be luck of the draw.

Id pay off the cards and live off of cash..not as convenient and might be harder but its better...its so easy to build up huge debt on credit...and the finance charges can get out of hand really quickly.

Best of luck to you, like I said just make sure while youre still going for visits to have plenty of reasons you would return to the US.
Moved to the UK April 2006
Married March 2007
Moved to the U.S. June 2009

Husband accepted new job in UK April 2016
Returning to UK Aug/Sept 2016!

Moved from UK-Germany 2022

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Re: Just want to know
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2006, 09:26:30 PM »
For him, I'm giving it all I got. I am searching hard for employment and pestering a certain compnay that has good offers. I applied to them for one job and didn't get an answer so I am trying for another position with them. I visit him every year to be with him and to explore the U.K. I don't have any other purpose which would be considered sneaky to immigration. Dan has been unemployed for quite some time. The job center he goes to sends him to some places but they demand experience and how can he get any if they don't try him out. Luckily, he has an interview with a job a friend recommended to him which will be in May. As much as I can be impatient, I want to get all of the information as much as I can and show the immigration that I am not playing with fire. I do not want to be kicked out of the UK. Whatever obstacle I have to cross, so be it. Thanks to you guys for your advice. Give me the whole lot. I'd really appreciate it. :)  [smiley=love.gif]
Light, Destiny, and the Beauty of Wales


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Re: Just want to know
« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2006, 09:28:43 PM »
I forgot to mention that no, he doesn't have rich relatives. :\\\'( :P
Light, Destiny, and the Beauty of Wales


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Re: Just want to know
« Reply #5 on: May 06, 2006, 05:27:32 AM »
After much searching, I found employment with a company that talks to elderly folks about Medicare but with the many complications and lack of training, I left that job to look for something better and different even though my boyfriend thought I did wrong by leaving that job while I had nothing else waiting. I went to a temporary agency and after getting tested, I was offered a job and sent to my first assignment. I finished that assignment already but had problems faxing my confirmation slip to the company. I hope that they can accept it on Monday as I wasn't sure if I sent it at all by fax.  ??? I hope to save money and that would mean Dan and I will be together again. [smiley=heart.gif]
Light, Destiny, and the Beauty of Wales


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