How do I organize my evidence for spouse visa? Im currently doing 4 watsapp screenshots per page and printing out all the emails. For skype screenshots, only two fit per page. So how much evidence do i need?
1) Should I do 4 watsapp call logs per month or more?
You only want to submit a list of dates and times/email subject lines. No actual message content should be included.
So you should be able to get all your Whatsapp call logs or all your emails on maybe 2 pages for each communication source.
How long a relationship are you covering?
- if it's, say, 1 year of communication, you could include maybe 1 email/1 call per week, in a list of 52 emails/calls on 1-2 pages
- if it's say, 5 years of communication, you should only include maybe 1 per month, so a list of 60 emails/calls on 1-2 pages