Here's what my tax attorney has advised. It's still subjective, but here's a stance we have taken. My SIPP is considered a pension for purposes of the treaty as more than 50% of the contributions were made by a company, and not personal contributions. Therefore, it's not considered a foreign grantor trust and no PFIC reporting. I report the profits on the SIPP on my 8833 so as not to pay tax on it until withdrawal. I've done this for my last 4 tax returns with no issues.
I have just started taking periodic payments and claim 25% tax free as it's not a lump sum. It's also my and my attorney's opinion that as I didn't exclude the contributions from income, then I have a "basis" in the plan and pay tax only on the income generated by the SIPP, and not when withdrawing the capital. I have just started another thread on this as I have a question for the experts RE this.