This is very true .. but technically isn't the uk still in the EU if they allow EU citizens through the same entrance as uk citizens ? Or maybe I'm wrong ...but have they OFFICALLY broke away as of present day ? So maybe if they do it soon ... before the baby is born .. it may work out !!!
honestly I wish my husband would just find a job in Europe he could work anywhere with his qualifications and work experience .. makes me annoyed really but that's a different subject
We are still currently in the EU... we are scheduled to leave the EU in March 2019, that is if the government ever manages to secure a deal to leave!
So, until that date in March 2019, UK citizens can still live in any EU country they like and apply for EEA Residence Cards to bring their non-EEA citizen family members with them.... and other EU citizens can still move to the UK and bring their family members. So, they could in theory move to an EU country any time between now and March 2019, whether the baby has been born yet or not.
The problem will come when March 2019 rolls around... and depending on what the new rules are then they may be forced to leave that EU country and live somewhere else, or there may be requirements they have to meet in order to be able to stay there.
So, they would likely still need to meet the requirements for a UK spousal visa at some point.