Update on my picking this fall and what I've made. Happy to say that I finally took the plunge and made Hedgerow Jam! Wow is it tasty! I found two crapapple trees growing in the field next to us, most of the apples from them I found on the ground after a good windy night. I had a few bags of blackberries in the freezer from summer's end. I had rosehips in the freezer from last winter. I picked some of the plumpest Haws (Hawthorn berries) I ever saw....tons on one tree near us! Oh yes and some Elderberries gleaned from mostly one productive tree.
I like that I could just boil it all together, seeds, peels and all because I would be straining it later. I didn't fuss too much about keeping it clear by not squeezing the bag. I squeezed the heck out of it! Then saved the pulp for later I made some Hedgerow 'apple sauce'.
I only added as much sugar as I liked to taste...not 50%...that's way too much for me.
I also made scrumptious Blackberry Apple, and Apple Rosehip.
Jimbocz- the wild blueberries you refer to I think are Bilberries, the very same we have here in the UK. I live in Northumberland and they're everywhere in the woods and on some moors. (if the sheep don't get them 1st) They are also in the Lake District and I'm sure more places. They make the most marvelous jam and Bilberry pie..stains your tongue really bright! Like blueberries but more sour.
So what is the significance of picking blackberries after Michalmas?