Hi everyone! I am over in the UK on a marriage/fiance visa awaiting my new passport to switch over to FLR(M) and am making preparations to bring my cat over from SFO later this year. She is 6 years old but I adopted her when she was 2 with no previous paperwork other than the shots she received when she arrived at the shelter. She received another round of shots around age 4 and again in November. I have all of the paperwork for her adoption and shots since adoption, but she has lapsed in her rabies vaccine twice in the time I have had her.
Is it a problem that her shots have lapsed a few times over the last few years? She was given a rabies shot in November and rechipped (found out her original wasn't ISO) in January. I am hoping to bring her over in August or so, so my parents will get her another rabies shot in July(since her microchip was after her November shots).
Based on what I have seen, there is nothing else I need to prepare until closer to the move date, correct?
As far as the move, my plan is to have her dropped off at SFO with her paperwork and I will pick her up at LHR when she arrives. I vaguely recall reading that she needs to travel within 3 weeks of an owner traveling. Is this still true? And if so, can I travel round trip LRH to New York/Boston and have her come in from SFO or do I need to also be traveling through SFO?