I've been a part of this forum for nearly 4 years. My partner and I were together for over 5 years and married a little over three. We had gone through so many setbacks with his job situation, that it led us to not being able to apply for a spousal visa until this month. Only we didn't because he decided last Thursday that it was best if we split.
So here I am, completely broken, ready to apply for the visa. The amount of hurt I feel that he waited until the last hour to do this is staggering. It's like he couldn't be arsed to go through with it. We didn't have a fight, I supposedly didn't do anything wrong, etc.
Has anyone else gone through this right before you're set to apply? I don't even know how to go about the divorce. Right now the thought of it makes me want to vomit.
PS: The site will not let me change my picture or signature which is really not helping. Ha.