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Topic: How and where to address previous refusal for Spousal Leave to Remain Visa  (Read 1744 times)

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I am a UK citizen. My wife is American. We met over a year ago and traveled back and forth to see each other. We have been married for about 3 months and are now trying to get her over into the UK to settle.

We applied for a spousal visa. Decision took about 6 weeks (30 working days). We were very disappointed to see it was refused because of insufficient evidence on the financial requirement (bank statements).

We obviously want to get it right the next time. We plan to re-apply soon as we do meet all the criteria.

My question is regarding how best to address the previous refusal in the re-application.

Where does this get addressed? In the online application form? Is there a special section for it? Or must my wife write something in the additional information section?

Do we also address it elsewhere? E.g. in my wife's and my covering letters?

Is there anything specific we should say? Any particular tone to use in the writing?

Is there anything we need to know with regards to this aspect of the application to avoid another refusal? (Obviously we will be doing a lot of research including on the boards)

Many thanks for your help.

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Sorry about your refusal :(.

The application form will ask if you have ever been refused a visa for the UK, so you write it in there.

It’s also a good idea to have her write a short paragraph explaining it in a cover letter.

She will also need to include the refusal paperwork with the application documents.

In terms of what to write in a cover letter, it just needs to be simple and to the point. For example,

I previously applied for a spousal visa on X date, but it was refused due to (give reason for refusal). I have now addressed this issue and included the relevant documents, along with the refusal paperwork, in this application

Is there anything we need to know with regards to this aspect of the application to avoid another refusal? (Obviously we will be doing a lot of research including on the boards)

Many thanks for your help.

Best thing to do is ask questions here and make sure you check and double-check your documents to make sure you have everything this time. If you post a list of all your documents, we can check through it for you.

Also, if you can post the entire refusal letter (omitting personal information) we can determine the exact reason for the refusal, because sometimes you have to read between the lines a bit to work it out.

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See also Appendix FM-SE.
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 If you post a list of all your documents, we can check through it for you.

Thank you very much.

This is the list we have so far.

Proof of relationship (requirement was met according to past refusal letter...can we rely on the same evidence again brought current?)

1.   Marriage certificate (original and copy)
2.   List of all flights to see each other, with supporting email receipts, and a few boarding passes (we don't have them all)
3.   Photos corresponding to trips and wedding
4.   Whatsapp call screenshots showing examples of communication frequency
5.   Email inbox screenshots, showing frequency of communication examples (message content blocked out)

Proof of meeting financial requirement

1.   Letter from current employer with title, salary, length of employment signed by financial director.
2.   6 months of bank statements showing deposits from current employer - will ask bank to print on their stationery...do they still need be signed and stamped at the bank?

3.   6 months of pay slips corresponding to time period of bank statements

Q1- do we need to include the docs from the refusal packet plus additional months or only the last 6 months?

Q2- is there anything needed to know regarding type of company as it is a small limited liability company, and I have a "chief X officer" title but am NOT a director or shareholder, just a salaried employee?

Proof of Accommodation

1. Land Registry - it's a printout from the pdf downloaded from government website. Is that ok or does it need to be certified somehow?
2. Most recent mortgage statement (current to end 2017)
3. Recent Original Letter from local council
4. Recent Utility Bill

Additional inclusions

1.   Application form
  - with mention of past refusal giving reasons and explanation how we have addressed this
2.   Biometrics form
3.   VAF4A-Appendix2 (Financial requirement form)
4.   Certified copy of sponsor's (husband) British passport
5.   Wife's American passport - both current and old/expired (must the old one be included? Also should the trips covered in that passport be listed separately as not enough room in the online application?)
6.  Receipts (i.e. shipping labels, IHS, and probably priority service which we will put on top of the pile)
7. Covering letter from sponsons/husband
8. Covering letter from wife (applicant) including list of supporting evidence and a couple sentence addressing prior refusal...is that sufficient?)
9. Sponsorship Undertaking Form SU07/12 (Is this required?)
10. Passport photos (do we need 1 or 2 photos? And does US or UK size make a difference?)
11. Past Refusal letter

I will post the refusal letter in separate post. If anyone on here can help understand the nuances that would also be very much appreciated.

Thank you so much for the help! we are desperate to get it it right and approved this time!

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I will post the refusal letter in separate post. If anyone on here can help understand the nuances that would also be very much appreciated.

It's easier for us if you can keep all your posts in one thread (so we don't have to dig through all of them to find the information about your application), so if you can post it here, that would be best :).

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Okay, your relationship evidence looks fine - I don't see anything in particular missing. You only need 2 photos though.

Q1- do we need to include the docs from the refusal packet plus additional months or only the last 6 months?

Only the most recent 6 months. You're starting a whole new application, so you need to prepare it as if it's your first one, just including the refusal letter and anything you missed last time.

Q2- is there anything needed to know regarding type of company as it is a small limited liability company, and I have a "chief X officer" title but am NOT a director or shareholder, just a salaried employee?

Not sure exactly - I'd go with something like Katie_France posted in your other thread.

Proof of Accommodation

1. Land Registry - it's a printout from the pdf downloaded from government website. Is that ok or does it need to be certified somehow?
2. Most recent mortgage statement (current to end 2017)
3. Recent Original Letter from local council
4. Recent Utility Bill

You don't need items 3 or 4 because they don't prove ownership of the property.

The Land Registry document PDF is considered original.

5.   Wife's American passport - both current and old/expired (must the old one be included? Also should the trips covered in that passport be listed separately as not enough room in the online application?)

All passports she has ever held should be included. You need to list all trips they ask for, so if there's no room, just continue on a separate sheet, or in the additional information section.

8. Covering letter from wife (applicant) including list of supporting evidence and a couple sentence addressing prior refusal...is that sufficient?)

Yes, that's fine. She can also start it by say what visa she is applying for and also stating her intended travel date (which is when the visa should be made valid from).

9. Sponsorship Undertaking Form SU07/12 (Is this required?)

No, this is not required. It is for special circumstances visas only (adult and elderly dependant relatives).

10. Passport photos (do we need 1 or 2 photos? And does US or UK size make a difference?)

1 photo only, can be US or UK size. It's probably not even needed at all, since they now use the biometrics photo for the visa, and they seem to be sending the passport photo back with the documents anyway, but it's still listed on the supporting documents guidance.

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Just going to rearrange your documents into the correct order for the package (mainly so I can check you have everything. Any additions are in blue).

Applicant Documents
1. Priority processing receipt
2. Return shipping label

3. Covering letter from applicant
4. Past Refusal letter
5. Application form
6. VAF4A-Appendix2 (Financial requirement form)
7. Biometrics form
8. IHS receipt
9. Wife's American passport
10. All previous passports
11. 1 Passport photo

Sponsor's Documents
1.   Certified copy of sponsor's British passport photo page only
2. Covering letter from sponsor/husband

Proof of meeting financial requirement - latest payslip, bank statement and employer letter must be dated within 28 days of applying online
1.   Letter from current employer with title, salary, length of employment (and length of time earning current salary and type of employment) signed by financial director.
2..   6 months of pay slips showing at least £1,550 before tax on each one. If not original, must be accompanied by a letter from the employer confirming authenticity
3.   6 months of bank statements showing deposits from current employer - will ask bank to print on their stationery...do they still need be signed and stamped at the bank? (No, because they will have been printed by the bank, but if you want, you can ask them to stamp them)
Optional but recommended
- original job contract
- latest P60

Proof of Accommodation
1. Land Registry
2. Most recent mortgage statement (current to end 2017)

Proof of relationship
1.   Marriage certificate (original and copy)
2.   2 photos together (one from the wedding, one from early in the relationship)
3.   Boarding passes from the flights you have, e-tickets from the flights you don't have boarding passes for

4.   Whatsapp call screenshots showing examples of communication frequency
5.   Email inbox screenshots, showing frequency of communication examples (message content blocked out)

Photocopies of any originals you wish to be returned

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Thank you very much for your responses. This has been a great help.

What is the best way to put the refusal letter up here? Should it be the entire letter (with personal details removed) or just relevant bits?

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What is the best way to put the refusal letter up here? Should it be the entire letter (with personal details removed) or just relevant bits?

The entire letter is usually best, just in case there's something that you don't think is relevant, but actually is.

Most people type it up and post it in the reply post, but you can also upload it as an attachment if you want (if you have the Tapatalk app on your phone, it's really easy to insert photos)

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Here is the refusal letter


On xxxxxxx /01/2018 you made an application for entry clearance to the UK under Appendix FM to the Immigration Rules on the basis of your family life with your partner xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Your application has been considered under those Rules, and with reference to Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). The relevant Immigration Rules can be viewed on gov.uk here: www.gov.uk/guidance/immigration-rules [nofollow] .
This decision takes into account as a primary consideration the best interests of any relevant child in line with section 55 of the Borders, Citizenship and Immigration Act 2009.

We have considered your application under paragraph EC-P.I. 1. of Appendix FM. However, you do not qualify for entry clearance under the 5-year partner route for the following reasons:

Your application does not fall for refusal on grounds of suitability under Section S-EC of Appendix FM.

Under paragraph EC-P.I .1 .(d) you do not meet all of the eligibility requirements of Section E-ECP of Appendix FM for the following reasons:

Eligibility Relationship Requirement
You meet the eligibility relationship requirement of paragraphs E-ECP.2e1. to 2.10.   

Eligibility Financial Requirement
You do not meet the eligibility financial requirement of paragraphs E-ECP.3.1. to 3.4. because:
You have stated in your Visa Application Form that you meet the financial requirement through CAT A salaried employment. I am not able to take into account any potential employment you have available to you in the UK or any offers of financial support from third parties. In order to meet the financial requirements of Appendix FM your sponsor needs a gross income of at least £18,600 per annum. You state that your sponsor is employed by xxxxxxxxxxxxx Limited since xx/04/2017 and earns an annual salary of xxxxxxxxxxxxx

As evidence of your sponsor's employment you have submitted:
  Your sponsor's employment letter from xxxxxxxxxxxxx Limited.
  Payslips from July 2017 to December 2017.

The Immigration Rules state that in respect of salaried employment in the UK, all of the following evidence must be provided (http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/policyandlaw/immiqrationlaw/immigrationrules/appendix-fmse/ [nofollow] ):
(a) Payslips covering:
(i) a period of 6 months prior to the date of application if the person has been employed by their current employer for at least 6 months (and where paragraph 13(b) of this Appendix does not apply); or (ii) any period of salaried employment in the period of 12 months prior to the date of application if the person has been employed by their current employer for less than 6 months (or at least 6 months but the person does not rely on paragraph 13(a) of this Appendix), or in the financial year(s) relied upon by a self employed person.
(b) A letter from the employer(s) who issued the payslips at paragraph 2(a) confirming:
(i) the person's employment and gross annual salary; (ii) the length of their employment; (iii) the period over which they have been or were paid the level of salary relied upon in the application; and (iv) the type of employment (permanent, fixed-term contract or agency).
(c) Personal bank statements corresponding to the same period(s) as the payslips at paragraph 2(a), showing that the salary has been paid into an account in the name of the person or in the name of the person and their partner jointly.
You have not submitted the following required documents as listed above. You have not provided personal bank statements corresponding to the same period(s) as the payslips at paragraph 2(a), showing that the salary has been paid into an account in the name of the person or in the name of the person and their partner jointly. You have therefore failed to provide the required documents relating to your sponsor's employment. These documents are specified in the Immigration Rules in Appendix FM-SE and must be provided. I therefore refuse your application under paragraph EC-P.I . 1 (d) of Appendix FM of the Immigration Rules. (E-ECP.3.1)   

Eligibility English Language Requirement
You meet the eligibility English language requirement of paragraphs E-ECP.4.1. to 4.2.
Exceptional Circumstances

We have considered, under paragraphs GEN.3.1. and GEN.3.2. of Appendix FM as applicable, whether there are exceptional circumstances in your case which could or would render refusal a breach of Article 8 of the ECHR because it could or would result in unjustifiably harsh consequences for you or your family. In so doing we have taken into account, under paragraph GEN.3.3. of Appendix FM, the best interests of any relevant child as a primary consideration.

We have also considered your application under paragraph GEN.3.2 of Appendix FM.
We have concluded that there are no exceptional circumstances in your case which
 would render refusal a breach of Article 8 of the ECHR because it would result in unjustifiably harsh consequences for you, your partner, a relevant child or another family member.

You have provided no information or evidence to establish that there are any exceptional circumstances in your case.

Refusal under the Partner Rules

In light of the above, your application is refused under paragraph D-ECP.I „3.of Appendix FM with reference to paragraph EC-P.I.I .(d) and you do not qualify for entry clearance on the 5-year partner route, or on the 10-year partner route on the basis of exceptional circumstances, under Appendix FM.
Compassionate Factors You do not fall for a grant of entry clearance outside the Immigration Rules on the basis of compassionate factors
We have decided that, based on the information you have provided, there are no compassionate factors in your case that warrant a grant of entry clearance outside the Immigration Rules.

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Okay, so the letter does only mention the financial requirement not being met, and we've already discussed above what documents you need to provide when you reapply, so that's good :)..

I just wanted to make sure though, because sometimes the refusal letter reads as though the visa was refused for one reason, but actually you have to read between the lines to figure out the real reason.

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Thank you very much! That is reassuring and we really appreciate the experienced set of eyes.

Is there anything to make of the fact that they didn't mention the accommodation requirement at all (we did provide evidence of this)?

Also is there anything I must and must not mention on the sponsor's covering letter?

From my wife: A HUGE THANK YOU!!!!

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Is there anything to make of the fact that they didn't mention the accommodation requirement at all (we did provide evidence of this)?

I’m not sure - I think someone else had a similar refusal recently where they mentioned the relationship and financial requirements but not the accommodation requirement.

As long as you send the required accommodation evidence as well when you reapply, you’ll be fine.

Also is there anything I must and must not mention on the sponsor's covering letter?

From my wife: A HUGE THANK YOU!!!!

No problem :).

For the sponsor letter you basically just want to go through how you meet each visa requirement.

Paragraph 1: how you qualify to be a sponsor (UK citizenship)
Paragraph 2: how you meet the financial requirement and which category (you could put a sentence in here about the refusal and that you are including the correct documents this time)
Paragraph 3: where you will live together in the U.K., including address and property details
Paragraph 4: a short history of your relationship... facts only, no personal feelings. Just how, when and where you met, how often you see each other, how you keep in contact while apart, when and where you got engaged and married, and why you want to settle together in the U.K. (rather than the US).

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We are about to re-submit.

One more question. In the online application form, I think Question 69. it asks for my wife's salary from her job in the US. They ask for monthly salary after tax. This number has changed slightly since the last application.

Is this an issue? What figure should she enter? Should she enter the most recent figure? Or the same amount she entered on the last application.


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We are about to re-submit.

One more question. In the online application form, I think Question 69. it asks for my wife's salary from her job in the US. They ask for monthly salary after tax. This number has changed slightly since the last application.

Is this an issue? What figure should she enter? Should she enter the most recent figure? Or the same amount she entered on the last application.


It's not an issue because her income cannot be considered anyway and is completely irrelevant for the visa. So, she should just put whatever is true on the date of application.

The question is only on the form because it's a generic application that is used for all visa types. So, while it's not relevant for this visa, say she was applying for a visitor visa, she would need show she has a job to return to in the US which means she wouldn't try to stay in the UK.

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