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Topic: Tax help thanks  (Read 1500 times)

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Tax help thanks
« on: December 13, 2003, 09:13:47 AM »
No one will have paid much attention to the fact I have not posted to this part of the forum before. But my absence is telling in that I have specifically avoided it because what-I-didn't-know-wouldn't-hurt-me.

Things catch up and I had reason to file my US taxes in a panic...all based on false information I was given by the IRS office at the US Embassy in London a few years ago. Basically, I felt I was told I didn't have to file US taxes anymore. And what seemed good news to me was taken as gospel until I found out otherwise.

I just wanted to personally thank Helen for helping me out of a mess...and not only done professionally and painlessly, she did it in record time, based on some date issues I had and that she kept into account.

I'd recommend Helen to do your taxes if you have the need as I did. Thank you Helen.
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Re: Tax help thanks
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2018, 01:42:54 PM »
No one will have paid much attention to the fact I have not posted to this part of the forum before. But my absence is telling in that I have specifically avoided it because what-I-didn't-know-wouldn't-hurt-me.

Things catch up and I had reason to file my US taxes in a panic...all based on false information I was given by the IRS office at the US Embassy in London a few years ago. Basically, I felt I was told I didn't have to file US taxes anymore. And what seemed good news to me was taken as gospel until I found out otherwise.

I just wanted to personally thank Helen for helping me out of a mess...and not only done professionally and painlessly, she did it in record time, based on some date issues I had and that she kept into account.

I'd recommend Helen to do your taxes if you have the need as I did. Thank you Helen.

Hi just stumbled upon this when searching for tax help. Can you tell me a bit more about what you had to do? I find tax filing here really confusing!

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Re: Tax help thanks
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2018, 07:09:47 PM »
Sarah - My main tip is to remain calm as you explore your next steps. A US income tax return for 2017 will need to be filed with the IRS if worldwide income and gains exceed $10,400 (single) $4,050 (married filing separately) or $400 (self-employed). The return is due to be filed by 15 June 2018; but can easily be extended until 15 December if necessary.  An FBAR for 2017 must, however, if needed be filed with the US Treasury by 15 October 2018.

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